The single party state was what the cold war was about, no? I guess we lost. I remember reading decades back this soviet constitution, and thinking how horrible a single party state would be that did not allow dissent., on just reading it, it looks like the rights enshrined in that document were better than those in the american reality.
Its odd that the single party state is a double entendre, as it means to me that unfettered corporatism under the banner of "free trade" is the single party rhetoric of both halfs of the single party. (dem and repuke). Then it also means that the democratic party is nothing but window dressing on a single party state of repukes.
That leads me to ponder the actual differences between the soviet union and the current USA. Rich apparachiks run roughshod over the law and did whatever they wish. If the law is not right for their theft of resources, then they change the law so they can steal. Freinds and slimes of the party get special favours and dacha's near the black sea. The remaining serf population is merely there to fill the factories and grovel under the heel of the priviledged.
That said, the difference is naught. The US is the new USSR, and it is the evil empire, reagan is right. Fringe citizens are attacked and disenfranchised at a scale even worse than under the late USSR. In soviet russia, there were medical services and some socialist neetworks, including womens rights that exceed the standard of the new soviet states of america. (SSA).
We lost the cold war, and now, the iron heel of the oligarchy is coming down to crush the last resistance to achieve the final SUPREME SOviet vision of a perfect Republican america. The workers paradaise is complete. Stalin is dead, long live stalin.