This is actually her second article, expressing tolerance for same sex marriage. She is a rather elderly lady, who usually writes about local history and recipes!
Folks Hot on Same-Sex Marriage Issue:
"Calls, e-mails, letters and face-to-face encounters have come in thick and fast since my commentary last week on same-sex marriage...
...I look to Christ's numerous pleas for compassion among his followers to be the crux of his mission on earth. That is also at the core of my belief in allowing people equal rights and protecting them from discrimination....
There is a creeping movement in our country that defies the Constitution, a strong force afoot to clean up, founded on piety. In the minds of some, separation of church and state becomes fuzzier and fuzzier. I beleive banning legal rights to anyone smacks of the witch hunts of the colonial days, the Joe McCarthy crusade and the Ku Klux Klan" Right here, in rural Northern Illinois!