Looky here, 52% of Americans, or someone they knew, had housing troubles? Hmm. Some recovery, eh? That appears to make Housing issues more important that Taxing issues, at least according to the NLIHC.
Further, a growing majority believes that spending money on low income rental housing is more important than Congress cutting taxes. Fifty-seven percent of respondents agreed with the statement: “Congress spending money to make sure that low income people have housing they can afford to rent is more important than Congress cutting taxes.”
This was an increase of 5% since the same question was asked in a similar NLIHC poll conducted in August 2002."
"Only 39% of respondents said they expected to benefit from the tax cuts recently enacted by Congress.
The majority of respondents (52%) said they would not benefit, and 9% said they did not know or refused to answer"
The housing difficulty results are disturbing...How would you answer it?
"Fifty-two percent of Americans replied that they or someone they knew well had
had trouble meeting monthly housing expenses such as rent, mortgage payments, or household utilities any time in the last year. This familiarity with housing affordability problems extends across income categories, with majorities of respondents earning below $20,000 (56%), between $20,000 and $40,000 (53%) and between $40,000 and $80,000 (57%) acknowledging problems.
Only among respondents earning more than $80,000 a year does familiarity with housing affordability problems drop, to 45%."
Maybe this can be used against Bush?
Nah. Housing is a boring issue...
It shouldn't be but somehow it is here in the good ol' U. S. of A.