I finally got a newsletter from the military readiness group..called them today to find out WTF was going on with my stepson at Ft Dix. "Hi my name is Mrs XXXXXX and my stepson is at Ft Dix, his unit is XXXX and whats going on with his unit?" Woman on phone: "Cant you make it to the meeting for the familes?" Me: "No, I live in Michigan Im in a snowstorm. Give me the scuttlebutt, where is my stepson going." Her: "Iraq". Me: "WHERE in Iraq, Tikrit? Mosul? Baghdad?" Her: "They cant tell you." Me:"I see...will I get an ADDRESS where I can send him packages?" Her: "Only through the Red Cross" Me: "How do the soldiers feel about this war in Iraq?" Her: "They are really pissed. My husband is going and he is pissed. " (she sounded very young) Me: "Im against this whole action, so dont expect me to be anything but honest with you about how I feel.." Her: "WELL...they did sign up...." Me: "My stepson is a teenager with a gun who doesnt speak Arabic and has no clue as to what he is walking into, plus, he signed up for the weekends in the Reserves..no he did not sign up for a war based on lies and deceptions...nonetheless...I support the troops and want the Bush administration to be exposed for the liars they are" Her: "Well I dont watch the news." Me: "I see..so when 7 soldiers were killed today it was too hard to watch?" Her: "I dont watch the news..it scares me" Me: "You have any kids?" Her:"Yes 3 small kids.." Me: "Are you afraid of your husband dying or being wounded?" Her :"I dont think about it. I have 3 small kids." Me: "My husband died in an explosion at work. I was left with 3 small kids so if anything does happen, call me if you want, Im here. I understand." Her: "And you made it?" Me: "Yes, I had to stay alive for my kids." Her: "Okay I wish I could tell you more..I will be sending a newsletter out after all our meetings to keep you and your husband informed as to how his sons unit is, and the status.." Me: "Fine, thanks...I hope your husband comes home safe..I hope my stepson, my husbands son comes home safe...if he gets hurt or dies, tho, who will contact us?" Her: "The Red Cross". Me: "Thank you. Keep us posted."
You know what. I cannot believe I even had that conversation. I still cant wrap my head around the fact my stepson Michael is being sent over there.
God damn, and I am so angry it's beyond my wrapping my head around the anger at this point.
God help the next person who smirks at me about this war.