This was a real winner, I hardly know where to start. On the Craptor tonight O'Dummy had a 17 year old conservative kid on the show who said liberalism was a mental disorder
The kid is nuts, he even looked like a skin head serial killer. He sat there with his head cocked to one side, and he had that scary crazy look of a nut-job. O'Reilly billed the kid as a regular conservative who put out a conservative newsletter at his school. He said the kid was getting harrassed just because he was a conservative. Then you find out the real truth as soon as you see the kid and hear him talk.
He put out a school newsletter saying liberalism is a mental disorder. And the school is full of liberals, so how smart was that. And if you do that are you surprised when you get harrased. The funny part is he seemed to have the mental disorder.
He also said all the teachers were liberals and they were involved in some conspiracy to make everyone hate Bush and vote democrat. It was hard to catch all of his conspiracy talk because O'Reilly cut him off, he knew the kid was coming off as a nut with that talk so he bailed him out. When asked to name one, he could not do it, he said the math teacher and the science teacher.
At this point if the kid was a liberal O'Reilly would say your spinning, name them. But the kid was a conservative so of course O'Reilly moved on and gave him a pass.
During the whole segment O'Reilly was giving the kid advice on how to be a good and smart conservative. He supported the kid, and he told him to stop using the inflammatory language.
Does anyone believe O'Reilly would have had this kid on the show if he were a liberal and he said conservatism is a mental disorder ?
If you do I have some land to sell you.
Do you believe O'Reilly would have softballed the kid if he were a liberal saying those inflammatory words ?
Of course not, he would have hammered the kid if he were a liberal.
Do you believe this kid would have even got on the show if he were a liberal ?
Of course not, if this kid was a liberal, and he said conservatism was a mental disorder, O'Reilly would have probably called ashcroft to investigate him.
At the end of the segment he told the kid if anyone bothers him again to let him know. What's O'Reilly gonna do, go to the kids school and beat em all up ?
The kid is a nut, he kept saying liberalism is a mental disorder, he said it 3 or 4 times during the segment. O'Reilly kept telling him to stop saying it because it ruined his credibility and made him look like a fool, but it never sunk in. It was like talking to a wall, the kid said it over and over. After O'Reilly told him to stop saying it for the 4th time, the kid just smiled and ignored O'Reilly again.
At the very end O'Reilly said well you are just 17 years old so I am not going to beat up on you.
The kid was insane, and O'Reilly was insane to even do the segment. If a liberal kid said conservatism was a mental disorder he would never get on the factor, and O'Reilly would probably want the kid put in a mental institution or something.
But since he was a conservative he gets on national TV and O'Reilly acted like big brother giving advice to his little brother.
I bet the kid reminded Bill of him at that age, he probably figured he could talk some sense into the kid by bringing him on the show and putiing him on tv.
Hey Bill, I don't thing it did any good, the kid actually thinks liberalism is a mental disorder. I don't agree with conservatives on most issues, but I do not in any way think conservatism is a mental disorder. I just think most conservatives only care about themselves, and about how rich they can get, and how little taxes they can pay. It's not a mental disorder, it's just not caring about anyone but yourself.
Thanks Bill for more proof you are a republican, nobody but another republican would have put this pyscho kid on the air. Let alone put him on the air to give him advice on how to be a good and smart conservative.