If this exchange doesn't make your head explode, you're already headless:
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,109858,00.htmlO'Reilly and Koch agree that the end justified the means, Saddam was captured, Iraq had WMD, Bush should fire
Tenet because even if they didn't have WMD it was "faulty intelligence" and not Bush's fault, the "lack of respect for the Office of the Presidency" and "calling him a liar and all this other stuff" is "an outrage"...followed by this little shocker from Koch:
Koch: And I, by the way, don't agree with President Bush on a single domestic issue.
O'Reilly: But you think this is so important for the country.
Koch: Overriding.
O'Reilly: Right.
And then O'Reilly's master stroke of stupidity:
"...and that's why Howard Dean blew up, because people saw what he was doing, how petty he was, and how demeaning he was."
Edited for grammar. Am I bad or what?