it will not be the end for the Al Quaeda. What do they really have going for them? It would take a full generation to get their children away from the elders and in schools to educate them and let them know that there is a better way of life then living in caves and eating once a day, when i used to see pictures of them fighting the Russians years ago, they just seemed happy sleeping on the ground and shooting people. America went into the 21 century and it looks they are still in the 17th. I look at the young people and think they don't even have a clue as to why they are in those gangs killing people, if they are not fighting outsiders they want to fight each other.. but i guess there is no jobs other than Herding goats. We can't do a damn thing for any of the people over there until we have honest people in our own government that actually want to help people instead of their own personal adgenda.. the way to start helping is stop all the weapons(gun power and anything to make a bomb) going into the country, we have to make it clear to all their neighboring countries to seal their borders and if we find them in violation, they are our enemy even in Iraq, we should have took every weapon as we went Thru-- you don't overlook a gun that can shoot you in the back while you are walking away.. If we had left Iraq alone and let Saddam just be the Mayor of Baghdad and that's all he was in the end-he had to go but all the atrosities that he done was our fault after the first gulf war, we left the kurds hanging by them selves. we had the fly overs that kept Saddam under control-he was someone that could have been taken out without the bombs and military and all the lives. Anyway our military could have spent the past year in Afghan finishing the job- going thru every inch of the land and roundng up the gangs and sorting them out-- get some schools set up and some kind of work building homes and it wouldn't have cost us anywhere near what this mess Bush has got us in-I didn't pay much attention when Russia was fighting there,but i think they brought Russia to their knees- not that they every will us but it looks like if Bush is put back in the WH there will be a draft and another half mil troops will be in the middle east. It's a bitch when you have to kill people to save lives. JMHO