is near the bottom of the page, just scroll down past all the Pat Robertson and other talking heads.
BERG: Well, think about it.
For the events of 9/11 to have occurred, 116 governmental agencies and failsafe systems would have had to fail on that day. The odds of that happening are one in four million. Just take a look at the events that occurred on 9/11. Yesterday was released a tape of one of the stewardesses, who described that the plane had been basically taken over, that several people were stabbed.
The first plane did not crash into the World Trade Center until 26 minutes later. If the jets had been scrambled, if military jets had been scrambled, with all the foreknowledge that this government had from as far back as 1995, that plane would not have hit the World Trade Center. But let‘s assume for a minute that they couldn‘t have stopped that, because they didn‘t really know it was heading for the World Trade Center. I doubt that.
But the second plane, unfortunately, the plane that Ellen‘s husband, Louis Neil Mariani, was on, didn‘t crash into the second World Trade Center until 17 minutes later. That should never have occurred. When it was flashed across our television screens at 8:46 a.m. on 9/11 that a plane accidentally hit the World Trade Center, government knew that we were under attack at that point.