In searching for news about the MyDoom computer virus, which is targeting Utah's SCO Group, I came across this gem:
"Groklaw, a legal analysis site that has been critical of SCO, cast doubt on the company's claims that it can't do anything about the attack. Such attacks can usually be largely mitigated by buying up more bandwidth and connecting through Internet service providers that have special technology aimed to defeat the assaults.
"Security experts said previous attacks in May and August should have put adequate pressure on the company to take steps to protect its connection to the Internet.
"'There are definitely things out there that they can buy or services that solve this problem,' said David Moore, assistant director and researcher at the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) and an expert on denial-of-service attacks. 'It is just a question of how important your Web site is to you and how much you are willing to spend.'"
Hmmmmm... Now what pResident does that remind you of? here's another present for Bill Gates:
According to the article "Linux as King Kong" (, the MyDoom attack can be seen as a side effect of an emerging colossus - Linux.
"So as in politics and religion, while kooks like Mydoom’s author grab headlines and inflame tempers, the real action takes place elsewhere -- in this case at big companies across the globe where smart IT execs are staring out the window into the eye of a giant penguin."
Well, I'll take a giant penguin over a spoilied and corrupt nerd with a bad haircut any day!