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Blame Clinton, Blame the Democrats, Blame the CIA. NOT.

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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 06:06 PM
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Blame Clinton, Blame the Democrats, Blame the CIA. NOT.
Edited on Sun Feb-01-04 06:32 PM by TruthIsAll
The Buck stops on your desk, Shrub!

Forged Evidence

By Rep. Henry Waxman
Tuesday 10 June 2003

The Honorable Condoleezza Rice
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Dr. Rice:

Since March 17, 2003, I have been trying without success to get a direct answer to one simple question: Why did President Bush cite forged evidence about Iraq's nuclear capabilities in his State of the Union address?

Although you addressed this issue on Sunday on both Meet the Press and This Week with George Stephanopoulos, your comments did nothing to clarify this issue. In fact, your responses contradicted other known facts and raised a host of new questions.

Rep. Waxman | Forged Iraq WMD Evidence
... In fact, your responses contradicted other known facts ... to senior officials in the Bush Administration before ... Your claims, however, are directly contradicted by ...
Monday :: Jul 7, 2003
Bush WMD Lies Exposed by Hand-Picked Ambassador on Niger Story

When it comes right down to it, it doesn’t get any more damning than this: the ambassador hand-picked by the Bush Administration to look into the Niger nuclear materials justification used by the Bushies to invade has come clean and called them liars.

Joseph C. Wilson, the retired United States ambassador whose CIA-directed mission to Niger in early 2002 helped debunk claims that Iraq had tried to obtain uranium there for nuclear weapons, has said for the first time publicly that U.S. and British officials ignored his findings and exaggerated the public case for invading Iraq.

Wilson, whose 23-year career included senior positions in Africa and Iraq, where he was acting ambassador in 1991, said the false allegations that Iraq was trying to buy uranium oxide from Niger about three years ago were used by President Bush and senior administration officials as a central piece of evidence to support their assertions that Iraq had reconstituted its nuclear weapons program.

Bush WMD Lies Exposed by Hand-Picked Ambassador on Niger ... to Niger in early 2002 helped debunk claims that Iraq ... years ago were used by President Bush and senior ...
CLAIMS & FACTS: Iraq-Al Qaeda Connections

CLAIM: “The regime of Saddam Hussein cultivated ties to terror while it built weapons of mass destruction.” – President Bush’s UN speech, 9/23/03

CLAIM: “Iraq the central front in the war on terror.” – President Bush’s UN speech, 9/23/03

CLAIM: “You can't distinguish between al-Qaida and Saddam.” – President Bush, 9/25/02CLAIM: “There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al Qaeda ties.” – President Bush, 9/17/03

CLAIM: “There was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda.” – Vice President Cheney, 9/14/03

FACT: No evidence exists to substantiate the claim that Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda had any connections. In fact, most intelligence points to the contrary.

FACT: Under the headline “Allies Find No Links Between Iraq, Al Qaeda,” the LA Times reported on 11/4/02 that U.S. allies fighting Al Qaeda in Europe found no evidence of an Iraqi-Qaeda connection.

FACT: On 12/18/01, the London Telegraph reported a story under the headline “Iraq link to Sept 11 attack and anthrax is ruled out” detailing how key assertions made by the Administration were unfounded.

FACT: The NY Times in June reported, “The chairman of the monitoring group appointed by the United Nations Security Council to track Al Qaeda told reporters that his team had found no evidence linking Al Qaeda to Saddam Hussein.” <6/27/03>

FACT: The bipartisan September 11th commission report “undercuts Bush administration claims before the war that Hussein had links to Al Qaeda.” .

FACT: The New York Times reported “since the fall of Baghdad, coalition forces have not brought to light any significant evidence demonstrating the bond between Iraq and Al Qaeda…Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah, the two highest-ranking Qaeda operatives in custody, have told investigators that Mr. bin Laden shunned cooperation with Saddam Hussein.” .

FACT: National Journal reported on 8/9/03, that “three former Bush Administration officials who worked on intelligence and national security issues said the prewar evidence tying Al Qaedea was tenuous, exaggerated and often at odds with the conclusions of key intelligence agencies.”

Iraq Nuclear Weapons
inspector has come up with no WMD on his The Bush Administration has requested approximately $166 billion ...

Part One: The Pretext
WMDs, Imminent Peril, Al Qaeda and 9-11

Bush repeatedly attempted to play the part of a reluctant warrior who would act if “war was thrust upon us.”

For example, in an October 7, 2002 address to the nation, Bush stated that seeking a UN resolution “does not mean that military action is imminent or unavoidable.”

According to former Treasury Secretary O’Neil and several unnamed administration sources, the Bush administration began planning to invade Iraq at its very first National Security Council meeting in January 2001, with the President stating “Go find me a way to do this.” Administration documents planning for post-war Iraq date back as early as January and February 2001 – months before September 11th. (71)

In the weekend following September 11th, despite Vice President Cheney’s clear statement that there was no evidence or Iraqi involvement, there was great debate over whether to invade Iraq or concentrate on Afghanistan first according to Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz. (67)

Bush was anything but a reluctant warrior, as the decision to invade Iraq was made as early as March 2002. At that time, Bush interrupted a meeting between Condoleezza Rice and three Senators to exclaim, “ Saddam! We’re taking him out.” By the first week of July 2002, Rice told a State Department Officer, “the decision’s been made, don’t waste your breath.” At that time, Cheney also told Republican Senators that the question of attacking was not a matter of if, but when.

Chief of Central Command Tommy Franks admits that he has been preparing for the war since March 2002. At this time, the Bush administration also began shifting intelligence operations, linguists and special operatives aimed at al Qaeda to preparation for war with Iraq. (16)

The Bush administration repeatedly justified a war with Iraq based on its known possession of weapons of mass destruction.

The Bush administration’s chief Weapons Inspector, David Kay, concluded after 10-months of investigation that “I don’t think existed.” (76)

In October 2002, the State Department’s Intelligence and Research Department told the White House that its WMD conclusions were inaccurate, reporting that “the activities we have detected do not . . .add up to a compelling case that Iraq is currently pursuing . . . an integrated and comprehensive approach to acquiring nuclear weapons.”

In February 2003, both the weapons inspectors and the IAEA told the White House that there was “no evidence of ongoing nuclear or nuclear-related activities” and “they had not found any weapons of mass destruction.” (79)

When asked about the failure to find Iraqi WMDs by Dianne Sawyer, President Bush replied “So what’s the difference.” (60)

On January 27, 2004, Bush claimed that “It was choice to make, and he did not let in.”

It was President Bush who ordered the inspectors to leave Iraq because of an imminent invasion. (78)


On June 1, 2003, Bush proclaimed that “we found a biological laboratory in Iraq which the UN prohibited.”

A review by US and UK experts has found this claim to be false. The mobile trailers at issue were facilities to fill weather balloons. (21)

The Bush administration religiously chanted the contention that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction as its basis for a war.

For example, in his address to the nation Bush said the intelligence “leaves no doubt that . . . Iraq . . . continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

Vice President Cheney also was part of the chorus and declared that “there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.”

Former Treasury Secretary O’Neil, who was a member of the National Security Council, indicated that “in the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I would characterized as evidence of weapons of mass destruction.” (71)

After ten-months of searching for WMDs, investigators have found no support for the claim that Iraq possessed nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. In January, the Bush administration quietly pulled its 400 man weapons inspection team out of Iraq “because its works was essentially done”. (64)

David Kay, the chief weapons inspector, concluded “I don’t think they existed.” “What everyone was talking about is stockpiles produced after the end of the <1991> Gulf War and I don’t think there was a large-scale production program in the Nineties.”(76)

This is consistent with David Kay’s interim report that concluded that Iraq’ capacity to produce new chemical munitions “was reduced - - if not entirely destroyed” during the 1990 Gulf War, 1998 bombings and 13 years of sanctions and inspections. (52)

Even Donald Rumsfeld Defense Secretary Rumsfeld confirmed “I don’t think we’ll discover anything.”(17)

In January 2004, The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report on WMDS in Iraq concluded that the evidence prior to the war indicated that Iraq’s nuclear program had been dismantled and its chemical weapons had lost most of their lethality. In addition, the report concluded that the administration “systematically misrepresented the threat from Iraq’s WMD and ballistic missile programs”. (70)

This is consistent with other pre-war reports. For example, in September 2002, the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency concluded “there is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons, or whether Iraq has – or will – establish its chemical warfare agent production facilities.” (17)

A Canadian military analyst also disputes that chemical weapons are WMDs, explaining that “biological and chemical weapons are akin to weapons of mass terror. They are military ineffective.” (24) The Carnegie report shared this view, explaining that the “conflation of three distinct threats, very different in the danger they pose, distorted the cost/benefit analysis of the war.” (70)

University of Michigan disarmament expert noted that “his could be the first war in history that was justified largely by an illusion.”

During the fall of 2002, President Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld ... its January 2002 review of WMD proliferation warned ... Secretary Rumsfeld now claims the US did not go ...

rofile - President George W. Bush
... No CIA Consultation on Bush WMD State of the Union ... of State of the Union Address Bush spokesperson said ... that WhiteHouse Pushed for Niger Uranium Claims In a ... Murky Intelligence — Banned by CENTCOM
... possible dishonesty or incompetence of the Bush team than ... Condi Rice's role in the Iraqi WMD scandal, particularly ... of the loop by colleagues' claims that she ...

Underway in Ireland
... Just weeks ago, Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's national security ... program, or she made public claims that she ... level supposition that Iraq has 45-minute WMD. ...

John Conyers: Bush's Deceptions on Iraq Threaten Democracy at Home
... were well aware that these claims either rested ... War White House Silenced Critics of WMD Intelligence. Michael Leon Missing Weapons, Shrinking Bush and the Media. ...

Bush Administration Deceptions About Iraq Threaten Constitutional ...
... his Cabinet were well aware that these claims either rested ... Now, as each day passes, and no WMD has been ... Finally, the Bush White House argues that it doesn't ...

Bush's Lies and Contempt for America
... Trailers not seen a WMD laboratories by those in the ... Bush's Statements Contradicted By Facts. ... the Post's August 10 report picks apart Bush's claims that Iraq's ...'s_lies_and_contempt_for_america.htm Live Online
... anything start to make the administration's claims look hollow ... If Tenet is dismissed, then Bush can say, "I was ... they relied on information about wmd from George ...

Truth and Credibility Blown Apart
... That largely pre-dated the Bush administration claims that Iraq maintained WMD ... The Bush administration "assured" the world that WMD would inevitably be ... - WMD rocks London and Washington
... forced to issue an apology for the CIA’s failure to check claims that Iraq ... The case of the Bush administration is quite different, as the WMD issue has ...

Iraq Flap Shakes Rice's Image
... One person who has worked with Rice describes as "inconceivable" the claims that she was not more actively involved. ... Did Bush Falsify WMD? ...

Iraq Nukes
... No WMD in Iraq, source claims - Number 10 ... mass destruction have been found in Iraq by the group looking for them, according to a Bush administration source ... - 86k - Cached - Similar pages

The US official running Iraq appears to have contradicted Tony Blair's ... cgi-bin/wwwthreads/ - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

CNS - June 16-20, 2003 - Congressional Record Weekly Update
... 3A) Classified Documents on WMD Available to House Mr ... to senior officials in the Bush Administration before ... Your claims, however, are directly contradicted by ...

Weapons of Mass Destruction (
... another plane during training; the air force claims that the ... that it doesn't matter whether WMD are found ... Jul 13, President Bush, asked whether he regretted his ...

Politicization of Intelligence, Outright Deception
... 4 Statements made by war hawks contradicted US intelligence ... F) Response from Bush administration. ... culling reports that sustained the claims. ...

ZNet | Iraq | Outrageous Omissions
... and biological weapons and banned missiles, as Iraq claims. ... Kamel's assertions about the destruction of WMD stocks ... a credible source by George Bush, Tony Blair ...

Carla Binion
... part because he believed the administration's claims about Iraq's ... showing Bush administration used ... that Iraq tried to obtain WMD from Niger ...

Daily Kos || Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state ...
... of the public believed 1) there was a connection between Iraq and al Qaeda, 2) Iraq had WMD, and 3 ... And Bush administration claims should include ...

Iraq Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
... center.". Pre-War Claims Continue to Unravel. Is ... unethical behavior. Did David Kay Engineer WMD Evidence for Bush I -and Now Bush 2? Why has ...

Capital Games
... None of these claims have come close to panning out ... labs cited by Kay were used for WMD research.) Bush ... That occurred when President Bush said the major combat ...

Why the War on Iraq was Unjust & Members of the UK Parliament who ...
... 28th December Bremer 'rejects' Blair WMD claims - the US official ... west, at least in terms of WMD, as the US ... lied, they died,' US parents tell Bush - the father ...

Iraq War: The Nuremberg tribunal and the role of the media

Knocking Down Red Herrings : Vancouver Indymedia
... but not in the US.) All these claims have been ... to convince us that the issue of WMD is unimportant ... The Bush administration's hysterical warnings about the Iraqi ...

Bush's America is a Shameful Bully : Vancouver Indymedia
... media ; but not in the US.) All these claims have been ... has not developed any significant capability with respect to WMD. ... Why Bush lied to us is now known. ...

Bush lies and manipulates public and Congress, by Carla Binion, 4 ...
... because he believed the administration's claims about Iraq's ... Articles showing Bush administration used forged evidence to ... Iraq tried to obtain WMD from Niger. ...

Politics Agora - Newsweek: Dubious Link Between Atta and Saddam
... same reason you belived in Bush's WMD, fool boy? ... fabricated claims -- whether from Bush administration officials ... intelligence officials, said "the claims of an ...

John K. Davis, Technology Advocate: Decision Time
... never have been in President Bush's State of ... said interrogations would provide the WMD discoveries that ... scientists are in custody, and claims that lingering ...

BUSH PRESS CONFERENCE / Wolfowitz on Iraq ( 2 pieces)
... Clinton himself came to Bush's rescue last week, in an appearance on the "Larry ... The Clinton administration used unproven claims of Iraqi WMD to maintain the ...

Constant Bush Lying
... Powell makes strong claims about Iraq’s retention and ... Powell stated there were "mobile labs with WMD". ... Bush said during his speech to UN Security Council on ...

Traitor dot US: Impeach Now!
... and much of the world it appeared that Bush was trying to trump up some WMD charges against ... more interested in reporting the sensational claims of the ...

Iraq War Lies
... address, top Bush aides have contradicted each other on ... impeachment a chance." Patriots call for Bush's impeachment. ... Democrats wants open hearings on WMD claims. ...

Counterspin Central: The unofficial "FIRST AMENDMENT ZONE."
... as attack weapons" a WMD claim President Bush used in his October 7 speech on Iraqi WMD, just three days ... poured in that the White House's claims were not ... 2004_01_25_counterspin_archive.html

TalkLeft: The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies
... evidence that might have ameliorated or contradicted your claims thereby creating ... a war resolution would have passed had Bush not lied about WMD and nukes ...

Shark Blog: Monday Morning Quarterbacking
... The same guy also claims that "Connection Between ... admittedly viscerally opposed to Bush and desperate ... effectively contained in developing WMD's and expanding ...

The Dead Parrot Society: That's attribution, baby
... a very large bridge that is crossed between those two claims. ... more abstractly, why might it seem like Bush was deceitful ... is that we have not found WMD and that ...

All Facts and Opinions: UK Archives
... severe setback for President George Bush and Mr ... that the group will find WMD, predicting it ... Blair's office had exaggerated intelligence claims concerning Iraq's ...

Administration official says of the wmd intelligence: "That ... man's bluff," trying to divine Bush's views on ... humiliation when the President contradicted his top ...

Plastic: A Second Third Rate Burglary
... Actually he didnt deny the claims made in the lead sentence ... already given money to rich people?"-GW Bush "Stick to ... 3. Oops — Pre-War WMD Intelligence, not 911. ...;sid=04/01/23/02141649;cmt=36
... 01-24 ''52 Percent of Voters Don't Want to See Bush Re-Elected ... Cheney staffers later pushed INC info—including defectors’ claims about WMD and terror ... group.cfm?ffield=source_desc&fvalue=Newsweek
... government departments said Friday that those claims were not ... White House remained opposed to having Bush aides testify ... be used to finance its WMD program and ...
... Those reports included an analysis of Soviet missile strength that contradicted John F ... that Ritter’s role as a skeptic about Bush’s WMD claims made him an ...

Calpundit: WMD in Iraq
... who came forward to debunk the bulk of the administration's claims. ... Iraq post-war to continue the search for WMD's, and the Bush administration refused the ...

The Iraq Page: uncensored news, background, analysis, the facts ...
... Other dubious claims mentioned included those about ... U,S. Democrats accuse Republicans on WMD intelligence 9 ... politicians have accused the Bush administration of ...

This is Not a Blog: Bribes and WMD?
... In the story, Paul Sperry claims that Thomas Rider, the ... are starting to break with the WMD party line ... by Sperry called "Crude Politics: how bush' oil cronies ...

Counterspin - Iraq
... assertions about the destruction of WMD stocks." But ... in a reference to Mr Bush's speech last ... (UN nuclear inspectors have repeatedly contradicted US claims. ...

Niger and Iraq: the war's biggest lie? -
... Iraq's WMD: the big lie? ... questions regarding some specific claims' -- hardly the same tune that Bush and Blair were singing with their claims that Saddam ...

Bushwacked - How a Google Search Foiled the ...
... The administration regularly contradicted itself, and in the absence of any evidence to justify what was being ... Bush, Blair Defend WMD Claims http.

NTI: Global Security Newswire - WMD
... Blix expressed doubts about US claims that the ... resisted both Republican suggestions that WMD stockpiles may ... portray President George W. Bush’s administration ...

Spinsanity - More myths, misconceptions and unanswered questions ...
... time that Saddam Hussein may have destroyed the WMDs Bush alleges he ... has seized on these findings to support its claims about Iraq's WMD programs before ...

Rook's Rant: September 2003 Archives
... of using proven, researched facts to back up our claims that we ... My uneducated guess is this: Bush will pull out of ... that we would find some amount of WMD in Iraq ...

When Opinion Becomes Fact
... to wait before giving up on the WMD search?) And ... version is at variance with his original claims. ... Joseph Wilson, lifelong diplomat, Bush and Clinton appointee ...

WorldNetDaily: Is Senate Press Gallery 'corrupt'?
... E-mails contradict press gallery claims. Senate press boss 'lies' to WND readers. ... COMMENTARY:
Bush promotes law breaking By Joseph Farah. What WMD? ... news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=28784

Middle East Report Online: Dual-Use Material and the Weapons ...
... justify the invasion of Iraq with numerous claims that the ... he sees the building up of his WMD capability, and ... Bush has called for economic sanctions on Iraq to ...

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)
... stood at arms’ length from the Bush administration and ... about the 45 minute deployment of WMD’s. In ... Hans Blix also claims that Prime Minister Blair "made a ...

Daily MoJo
... of all the available evidence, the administration now claims that Wilson ... who have gone after Bush's shaky WMD-evidence. ... That kind of direct hit at Bush's go-it ...

The Black Vault
... of their existence after months of media claims to the ... O'NEILL: THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF WMD Sun Jan 11 ... blind man’s bluff," trying to divine Bush’s views ... posts30225-0.html&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=

Reports of Weapons 'Greatly Exaggerated'
... s “military planning allows for some of the WMD (weapons of ... this is a long way from the claims made in ... sarin nerve gas, and VX gas” George Bush, October 7 ...

Compassiongate - CC203a: University of Compassionate Conservatism
... was certainly not the basis for Bush's claims in his ... Dana Milbank (Washington Post): "..Bush's statement about the ... the destruction of Iraq’s WMD stocks were ...

When will you realise that you have been lied to?
... calls for acommission to look into the government's pre-war intelligence claims. ... oil and less about the reasons given by the Bush administration ... Re: WMD's found ... showflat.php?Board=cworldcup&Number=94363&fpart=all

Heroes of Our Times Series #2: Featuring James Twyman, Cathy ...
... The Truth Of Iraqi Disarmament The Bush and Blair ... of deadly weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which it is ... 25, 2003) In reality, Blair's key claims are flatly ...
... other sites you referenced directly contradicted your blathering ... President Bush wasfeeling his oats, invincible ... the President regarding his WMD claims and the ...

Honest Mistakes?
... Bush," the Times' editorial board claims (6): "we ... discussions that completely undermine the Bush administration's case on Saddam, WMD, and inspections ...

Captain Scott's Electric Love Bunker
... perfect, does explore a number of theories regarding Iraqi WMD. ... Bush is a domestic disaster, a shill, and an ... bias is plain as day, making their claims of "fair ...

X - Lies, Scandals, Money and Politics President George W. Bush
... Bush Told Tenet to Keep the Niger Claims In 2003-07-14
Bush Administration Says No Probe into Faked Intelligence on Iraqi WMD 2003-06 ...

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FreakinDJ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 06:14 PM
Response to Original message
1. Fat chance they'll get an answer to that
Just a little too close to home for the Bush gang of thugs. I doubt any thing would ever be but into writting in responce to that
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ComerPerro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 06:16 PM
Response to Original message
2. Damn, TIA
I can never get through your posts in one sitting...


You just drop bombs on us.

But I usually bookmark them and read them piece by piece, so thank you.
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ElsewheresDaughter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 06:27 PM
Response to Original message
3. TIA you are the fucking GREATEST!!!!...i to have sent this info to all
mambers of UK Parlament and iam sending it now to all members of Congress...we need all the help we can get to send the same to all Media outlets...whether they will listen or not ...i will continue to scream it from my rooftop! :yourock:
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AVID Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 06:29 PM
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4. could you be bit more thorough . . .
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alfredo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 07:11 PM
Response to Original message
5. That is a lot to digest, will look it over later

Was he misled, or was he an active partner in the lie? I say the latter.
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Hippo_Tron Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 07:38 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. I say the first one cause it's funnier n/t
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Tinoire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-04 07:22 PM
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6. Awesome! Thanks n/t
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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-03-04 08:47 PM
Response to Original message
8. Lies, scandals and media spin
Everything but the truth...

WE will fix that.
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BeFree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-03-04 09:02 PM
Response to Original message
9. It is Clinton's fault!
If Clinton had not ordered the Military to destroy Iraqs WMD, then we would have found some this year! But no, the military had to go and get rid of every trace of Iraqi WMD. Durn Clinton.

But wouldn't ya think * would have praised the Military? Nope. Instead of praise, he pretty much claimed, wrongly, that our US Military hadn't done it's job!

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