Guess, who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1938?
Does this mean, there's just one year left for us?
"You might as well give the prize to Adolf Hitler for trying to defeat "Bolshevism" if you're going to give Bushblair an award for killing to prevent terrorism"
This exactly did happen in 1938!
Although the story behind really sounds a bit weired to me. One german brought this up in a discussion. I did some research and found out that it seems to be true. But it was Gertrude Stein suggesting him.
"Stein's seemingly paradoxical views about Hitler and fascism have
never been a secret. As early as 1934, she told a reporter that Hitler
should be awarded the Nobel peace prize. "I say that Hitler ought to
have the peace prize, because he is removing all the elements of
contest and of struggle from Germany. By driving out the Jews and the
democratic and Left element, he is driving out everything that conduces to activity. That means peace ... By suppressing Jews ... he was ending struggle in Germany" (New York Times Magazine, May 6, 1934)." me the reasons she gave sound very very sad and cynical, more like a kind of joke. But it seems as though, it was taken very serious:'t you imagine, one DUer would suggest Bush for the Nobel Peace for exactly the same reasons?
Hello from Germany,