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Video project planned to expose media bias!

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veracity Donating Member (993 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 10:39 AM
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Video project planned to expose media bias!
There's been so much important dicussion about media bias during these Bush years. The media is about to play a vital role in shilling for Bush's election this year. That's a given. If there's a way to expose them, it may help to counter media influence and brainwashing in this crucial time. There are only months left to save the country.

TVNL is preparing a small yet powerful video project designed to educate people about media deception. You might want to take a look at the plans, and even get invovled.
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rocktivity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 10:43 AM
Response to Original message
1. Nice, but who's going to see it?
It's not as though Fox or CNN would be interested.


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veracity Donating Member (993 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Great question.. here's the answer
Just as "Uncovered" the explosive DVD about the Iraq lies is being dsitributed - copied and sold and pirated and you name it, all over the country - people want others to know the truth.

TVNL has been up for 10 months...and yesterday recorded its one millionth visitor! Their page reads are in the multi millions because there is so much to see...and their daily news headline email reaches a huge number of people. Many Internet folk are coming to TVNL for their daily intake of REAL news they can't get on CNN or FOX.

If this project can be successful - it's not a very expensive deal, - the videos can be in the hands of people who will show it to others, and the news will spread. Just as Indy Media, What Really Happened, Buzzflash, OpEdNews, AJP, and other very popular sites regulary link to TVNL articles, they'll most likely do the same with this project. That's millions of people who have a it, spread the word, or ignore it. TVNL can only do what it can do. The rest is up to the people who care.

I don't know if you remember....but a few months back, TVNL did an analysis of CNN - showing there was less than FIVE minutes of news in a prime time 'news' hour. That article spread like wildfire, - literally all over the world. Millions of people read it. At the moment it's going to be included in a book about consumer manipulation by someone who saw it on some site that linked to it. The Internet is an amazing tool for spreading information.

If you missed the CNN article:
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