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Curt Weldon and his 30 min. meeting with Kadafi (sp) oil, oil, oil, oil,

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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 12:07 PM
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Curt Weldon and his 30 min. meeting with Kadafi (sp) oil, oil, oil, oil,

Weldon was on Wash. Journal (c-span) this a.m. He had been on a junket to Libya, Iraq, Afgan. Germany with 3 dems and 3 rethugs who met with Kadafi. he said that after that meeting he met with Kadafi alone for 30 min.??????

how interesting.

he also said that "I'm an expert on my own opinion"

how nice.

he also said that by watching the oceans we can determine where in the world floods, droughts, storms, etc. were going to happen in the future. and we can prepare for them before they happen.


every other sentence he spoke had some mention of oil, oil, oil, energy sources, etc.

but back to the 30 min. what did he say? what deals were made?
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berry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 12:24 PM
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1. Yes, that segment of WJ was another wake-up call
Curt Weldon is a player, or at the very least, he is being put out front. One wonders why.

He talked about using energy resources to resolve conflict. Mention of pipelines, including one into the Korean peninsula. This guy was probably at those Cheney energy meetings.

He also flogged the "news" that the UN Oil for Peace program was used to create a slush fund for Saddam to build WMD--thus also blackening the reputations (if you believe him) of all the participants.

I wasn't paying full attention until about half-way through, but we need to know who he was traveling with, what "diplomacy" they were practicing, at at whose behest.

It truly does seem impossible to keep up with the machinations of this crew! I'm not clear if he's in with the neo-cons or just the energy cabal. Probably both... But I know nothing about him (yet).
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