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Google puts ads about Perle in D.C. subways

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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 01:33 PM
Original message puts ads about Perle in D.C. subways Takes Ad Campaign against Pentagon Adviser Richard Perle Underground

Yesterday, began a month-long campaign challenging Pentagon adviser Richard Perle's personal conflicts of interest by placing ads in 10 prominent subway stations throughout the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.'s executive editor, Nick Penniman said, "Perle is further evidence of the decadent mercenary culture that governs Washington today. He's one of the most prominent armchair generals, who doesn't hesitate to advocate war as long as he can fight it from the safety of a television studio or a Washington think tank."

-snip- Takes Ad Campaign against Pentagon Adviser Richard Perle Underground

2/2/04 3:29:00 PM


To: National Desk

Contact: Nick Penniman, 202-332-2881 ext. 11, or Ellen Miller, 202-332-2881 ext. 10, both of

WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Yesterday, began a month-long campaign challenging Pentagon adviser Richard Perle's personal conflicts of interest by placing ads in 10 prominent subway stations throughout the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.'s executive editor, Nick Penniman said, "Perle is further evidence of the decadent mercenary culture that governs Washington today. He's one of the most prominent armchair generals, who doesn't hesitate to advocate war as long as he can fight it from the safety of a television studio or a Washington think tank."

The ad reads, in part:

"As a Pentagon adviser, he helped lure the White House into invading Iraq while briefing investors on ways to make money off the conflict. Did Perle offer better advice to the businessmen than to the president? After all, it was he who said that Iraq was teeming with weapons of mass destruction... Only in Washington's twilight zone of policy, power and profits could a man like Perle thrive."

wonder whose head will role for allowing these ads in the subway?
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Occulus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 01:38 PM
Response to Original message
1. Why?
Should people not be allowed to do this?

Perle is not an elected official. Why is he a main architect of our official policy regarding Iraq?

Why is he even interfering in the first place?
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