Helped it happen on purpose. Kind of between "let it" LIHOP and MIHOP.
MIHOP became clouded by an overly slick onslaught of conjecture that the WTC was blown up because "the WTC couldn't have fallen like that unless it there had been explosives inside it before the planes hit." And, conjecture that no one saw the plane hit the Pentagon, and no plane could be seen in the photos. This coincided with THREE French books on 9/11, the first about 9/11 Intelligence, the second about explosives in the WTC and no plane in the Pentagon, the third by the authors of the first discussing the second book.
The second book works like a Right-wing well-funded plant allowing the likes of Rush, Coulter, Hannity, et. al. TO DISCREDIT the left using the second book's wild accusations as too incredible, therefore the leftists must be crazy... The book was a best-seller in France as I recall, probably because it was bought by the case, i.e. not read, by those who had it written and funded the slick web site.
HIHOP involved, for me, that Bush Admin knew and may have had the head of our nation's guard stand down. The head appointed by Bush was from Texas ANG overheard by other ANG people to take care of Bush's ANG record, that record still remains unavailable. I heard it was "lost" on its way to long term storage.
HIHOP also could involve keeping the FBI from investigating the Binladen family and the Mousoui computer files, then later rewarding the FBI upper staff with bonuses. A week prior to 9/11 federal agents raided the offices of Infocom shutting down websites that may have engaged a failsafe for the terrorists keeping them from delaying the 9/11 attack. The pResident after his month-long vacation then proceded to read the "Hungry Catapiller" at a series of one-story school buildings far from Washington or New York.
Regardless of whether he HELPED or MADE it happen, he LET it happen. So, I stick with LIHOP, although HIHOP seems most reasonable.