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WAKE UP College Dems! Counter College Republican "humor"

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RedSox02 Donating Member (804 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:15 PM
Original message
WAKE UP College Dems! Counter College Republican "humor"
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but College Republicans around the country are starting to get themselves quite a bit of attention. Besides David Horowitz's "Academic Bill Of Rights", the CRs have also been pulling many "clever" stunts to bring attention to their cause. Instead of b*tching about how awful and mean these CR groups are, why don't College Democrats get off their arse and get creative?

One Suggestion: Has anyone seen these "Affirmative Action Bakesales" the College Republicans like to do? Basically they mock AA by offering different prices for different Minority groups. Why don't College Dems set up a table next to these guys doing another bakesale. Whites get to walk up to the table and buy whatever they want from a wide selection, minorities have to crawl through an obstacle course on their hands and knees and then pick from a much smaller and less appealing selection of goods. Wouldn't this be a nice response? Has anybody done this?
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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. No, a better response...
would be to pool their money, get some black guy to buy up their entire inventory for a penny a cookie or whatever they're charging, then sit right across the hall and laugh at them while they're happily passing out the spoils and munching away.

But the "crawling minorities" thing sounds promising.
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mars_clover Donating Member (61 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:37 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. And this is why affirmative action is so disliked...
Edited on Wed Feb-04-04 05:38 PM by mars_clover
"would be to pool their money, get some black guy to buy up their entire inventory for a penny a cookie or whatever they're charging, then sit right across the hall and laugh at them while they're happily passing out the spoils and munching away."

This would play right into their hands, because this is just how affirmative action is seen by many today - giving away the cookies to someone based on their {insert minority demographic of choice}, and getting taken advantage of and laughed at it for their efforts.

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LeahMira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 06:12 PM
Response to Reply #4
10. Nonsense...
This would play right into their hands, because this is just how affirmative action is seen by many today - giving away the cookies to someone based on their {insert minority demographic of choice}, and getting taken advantage of and laughed at it for their efforts.

It's simply buying inventory at the best price you can get and then selling it to make a profit. Let them laugh. It was always their game. Someone can just beat them at it.
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Demonaut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:25 PM
Response to Original message
2. Hilter Youth, too young to realize the truth and too stupid to look
for it
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mars_clover Donating Member (61 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:32 PM
Response to Original message
3. That assumes...
"Why don't College Dems set up a table next to these guys doing another bakesale. Whites get to walk up to the table and buy whatever they want from a wide selection, minorities have to crawl through an obstacle course on their hands and knees and then pick from a much smaller and less appealing selection of goods. Wouldn't this be a nice response? Has anybody done this?"

This assumes that a good correlation to today's society is that minorities don't have the same opportunities as everyone else, and can't achieve what everyone else can.

Do you really believe that?

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RedSox02 Donating Member (804 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:38 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. Nope, the point is
The College Republicans are trying to reduce it to a simple argument that we like to make things easier for minority students and it is unfair to whites. Their argument is too simplistic to be debated. Pulling the suggested counter stunt would expose the level at which they are trying to debate on.

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Brian Sweat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:39 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. Absolutely
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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:39 PM
Response to Reply #3
8. It assumes nothing. It relies on proven facts
-like the disparities in health care between whites and backs that persist even when adjusted for social and economic (SES) factors

-like the practice of "steering" and "red lining" in real estate. Even the government has been proven, time and time again, to engage in racially discriminatory policies.

-like the disparities in the quality of the schools in majority white vs. majority black areas, which in turn is the result of racial discrimination in real estate. (see above)

I could go on...
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mars_clover Donating Member (61 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:55 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. racial discrimination in real estate...
"-like the practice of "steering" and "red lining" in real estate. Even the government has been proven, time and time again, to engage in racially discriminatory policies.

-like the disparities in the quality of the schools in majority white vs. majority black areas, which in turn is the result of racial discrimination in real estate. (see above)"

I don't think it's racial discrimination - it's financial discrimination.

When I buy a house, I want the realator to tell me which areas of town are the crappy areas with depressed market values. When they tell me this, they do it, but always with circumspect, round-about ways of saying it, like saying, "This neighborhood is a declining area", because they aren't allowed to come out and tell you, "you don't want to purchase a home in this area", because that might be "racist".

But the fact is, I don't care if my neighbors are black, white, or purple. I just want to protect my investment. I want to buy a house in an area with good schools, low crime, and trending upwards in property value. If that means buying in predominantly white neighborhoods, so be it. If that makes me "racist", so be it. I'd be a fool to seek the opposite for my family's home.

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Aristus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:37 PM
Response to Original message
5. Read my response to that here. (Scroll down)
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