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Who's Lying? --Seen this site?

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DrBB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:17 PM
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Who's Lying? --Seen this site?
Hey, this is definitely worth perusing if you haven't seen it. Another one of these spin-control sites, kind of like Spinsanity or Snopes. Very nicely designed and structured with some great bits. Dunno when they started it up, but it's a new one to me, and looks worthy of some DU hits and support.

For example, check out their brief on Scott Ritter titled Paula Zahn: Who Drinks Saddam's Kool-Aid Now?:


In late 2002, when President Bush first began pushing Iraq and the weapons of mass destruction, only one person with credibility had the guts to stand against him.  That person was former U.N. weapons inspector, and United States Marine, Scott Ritter.


"To hear Scott Ritter, all of the talk of war with Iraq is groundless.  The former U.N. weapons inspector says Iraq poses no threat to the U.S. and military action would be a historic mistake.  Last night, Ritter and his former boss, former chief U.N. weapons inspector Richard Butler went on 'Newsnight' on the issue of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.  Butler said Ritter had changed his position and was not telling the truth."

"Let me talk about this transition some people have accused you of making.  They said you went to Iraq, to Baghdad, in July of 2000 to produce a documentary film that you said would de-demonize Iraq.  An Iraqi-American, according to the 'Weekly Standard,' who is openly sympathetic with the regime in Baghdad bankrolled this to the tune of some $400,000.

"People out there are accusing you  of drinking Saddam Hussein's Kool-Aid." (empahsis ours)

—more examples of Zahnian horseshit omitted—

Paula Zahn, "Scott Ritter:  Case Against Iraq is Speculation," American Morning wiht Paula Zahn, CNN, Sept. 13, 2002

Reasonable Inference

Scott Ritter is lying.  He doesn't know what he's talking about.  He's been bribed by Saddam Hussein.

Contradictory Statement

"David Kay, the former chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, told a Senate hearing today that the inability to find banned weapons of mass destruction in that country since the fall of Saddam Hussein points to a major intelligence failure, and he suggested that an independent investigation look into the reasons for it."

"'Let me begin by saying, we were almost all wrong...'"

"Kay:  'We Were Almost All Wrong,'" Washington Post, Jan. 28, 2004


None needed.

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SeveneightyWhoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-04 05:28 PM
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1. Isn't this taken straight from the Daily Howler?

GREAT article today..go straight to the bottom. Really shits on those treasonous airheads Borger and Zahn.
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