Edited on Wed Feb-04-04 07:01 PM by Ripley
This is ridiculous....
My original most was called: And now for something completely different. But it was scrubbed. Gee are we free yet?
~ Despite all of the bickering within the Dem/Progressive/Liberal people of this country (and DU) ~ Despite all of the covered-up failures of Smirkaholic ~ Despite the stranglehold of our Government by Big Oil, Big Medicine, Big Farm and Cheap Labor Corporations ~ Despite the Military Industrial Complex's excesses and abuses ~ Despite the conglomerate corporate media's propaganda ~ Despite a well-oiled machine of Religious Despots infiltrating schools
and even Despite the continued "dumbing down" of Americans on a multitude of fronts (no funding of already sub-standard schools, higher-ed tuition out of reach, Base entertainment on all fronts, local crimes being nationalized to strike fear, and Walmart giving everyone a DVD, thus the ability to suspend reality on a 24 hour basis just by having a Blockbuster card).
Despite all of this polls show Kerry and Edwards both (not my guys, but Damn!)...BEAT BUSH?!?!?! Maybe Americans aren't as stupid as they think.