Please read the article, then my letter to them. Please critique the letter for me. I'm sending the letter through email, so I provided a few links for the editors' education.
The editorial: response:
In the February 4th Times Leader, the "Our Opinion" writer says that Clark and Kerry are ". . . trying to use President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard against him . . ." and that this is a "cheap shot."
That is not exactly accurate. Nobody is using his service in the National Guard against him. As we all know, many National Guard units are currently deployed oversees in the "War on Terror." National Guard duty is very honorable duty indeed. Democrats are not using his "service" against him. It's more about his lack of service.
There are questions about whether Bush in fact failed to show up for duty for about a year when he was in Alabama working on a Congressional campaign that are being raised. Nobody that served in the Alabama National Guard at the time seems to remember being there. That's a problem, especially considering that Bush doesn't seem to mind at all sending Reservists and National Guard members into harm's way, whether the "evidence" backing an invasion is real or not. It's a fact that Bush refused to submit to a physical in 1972 and lost his flying privileges. How much money did the United States waste on him teaching him to fly only to have it all go down the drain because Bush didn't want to take a urine test?
Accusing Kerry and Clark of attacking Bush's National Guard service is the real cheap shot, and one would think that people who work in the news would be better informed.