..."deflector shields up."
Apparently Karl Rove's master plan is that when Bush or Rummy or anyone else in the Axis of Evil Washington D.C. Branch gets confronted with cold, hard, facts, they are to "accentuate the positive." Never let the conversation end with an admission of guilt. End it with something wonderful you did, even if you are as guilty as hell.
And we're supposed to ALL be too stupid to see through this little ploy.
There was a reference on one of the cable news shows yesterday regarding the "jobless recovery" and how the true label should be "job LOSS recovery."
How cold, sick, hungry, broke, disillusioned and scared do the American people have to GET before they vote this miserable f**k out of office?
People who are surrounded by things that are broken LIKE people who "fix things." If Bush says "I'm on it," people...yes, some but not all...like him, because he said he was on it. He just has to say it, he doesn't have to do any of it. That's the real battle. Bush will promise whatever he has to promise while Rove continues rummaging around for dirt in the Dems' closets. Yes, we have made progress. Yes, many people are seeing through the lies.
But as long as we have Mr. & Mrs. America huddling around their hotplate and mouthing "The President is doing the best he can," we're going to need a much, much bigger change than the one we've seen recently. That's where the real work resides...the people who have lost everything and believe Bush when he says it's a-comin' back, maw and paw.
Rove will be waiting for the point where the Dems sit back and think "we have the election in the bag." Let's not give it to him. Let's fight until we vote his worthless sock puppet buddy out of the White House and KEEP on fighting after that.