Mike is a progressive Democrat who hosts the highest rated talk show on Seattle's largest radio station. Very well informed, articulate and engaging. Great guests - Ritter last night, Joe Wilson tonight - and good insight.
Since the station does not provide internet streaming, he has used his own time and talents to get the show out to the rest of the planet through streaming via his personal website.
http://www.mikewebb.org/I wrote him yesterday about the difficulty many had in getting a good audio stream and got the following reply:
"we have just been hit with so many internet listeners. As you might see under "audio" on the webpage, you can access "stream # 2" kind of a way we "cheat" in another bit of bandwidth. I am doing this all on my own, without the radio station, which doesn't otherwise stream, so it's unfortunately not my biggest priority. We are working on it though and may find a way to get more live audio capability. Thanks very much,
He now has two streams running (they repeat the show when he is off air):
http://stream.mikewebb.org:8000/listen.plshttp://stream2.mikewebb.org:8000/listen.plsI'm guessing he needs a host with greater bandwidth, but I'm wondering if people with servers could provide a "repeater" type of streaming so that one of his streams might be directed to these outside repeater stations, and listeners would also be able to hear via the bandwidth provided by other donated servers (like stream.DUsupporter1.org:8000/listen.pls, etc.). Sort of a people's network of internet audio bandwidth multipliers. Of course, the simplest would be someone donating a very-high bandwidth webcasting service.
Apart from the technical issues, there may be some question of needing KIRO's ok, so I am putting this out more as a question than a solution.
I have noticed Mike Malloy's show getting clogged up also in the past couple weeks, so even the relatively large streaming bandwidth provided by his radio station is sometimes unable to meet the demand on it. Such a network might also be helpful to the Guy James Show if they still have to come up with the cash for streaming services as well as the basic costs of doing the show.
Any ideas?