I am sick of what I see all around me as of late, whether it is to do with the selection of candidates, or the state of our nation. All around me, I see things falling apart that I can only dream of beginning to fix. I see men making decisions not based on the wants and needs of our country, but on self want. Everyday, we are getting weaker. Everyday, more and more people decide to distance themselves from the political process because they have grown tired and disinterested. What happened to those who entered the field of public service wanting to make a difference? What happened to the long ago voices of reform, promise, and hope for a better life for all Americans? These voices have been cut by the standards of American politics. Long ago gone are the days when one entered politics solely for the reason to change things. There has always been greed in politics, always self-motivation. It's everywhere. But more and more it is progressing into everything we say or do. Candidates are now afraid of disrupting the establishment, and everyone has become blurred together. No wonder those between 18-24 are so disinterested in voting. Because there is no choices anymore, and if there is... they are quickly shut down. I am so sick of sitting by the sidelines, I can't watch our country die like it is right now. We need someone in the White House who cares not only about his or her own self, but about the good of the entire country... because isn't that what the democratic process was originally intended for? We've watered down democracy, and I hope someday I will be able to chage that. I may not be the most perfect "electable candidate" for the job- I'm very left, from the north, and a woman- but I know that I want things to happen that aren't getting done. Thanks for letting me rant.
ps- This is for GD because it's not intended as a "primary/election" thread, just as an open topic for all aspects of politics. Thanks :)