I found this in my files and never got to doing a good edit on it. It's a little dated, but still holds up today. Thanks, homer12
Anger, Bitterness: Why the left is so Pissed?
The answer to this question is pretty simple.
It is simple why they are attacking GW Bush and his administration.
It is simple since the abuses and the rhetoric from the right has been so mean, has become out-right bashing, with the attempt to silence any other point of view than their own. It is simple because in the 90s during the Clinton presidency how conservatives and republicans set the tone of angry reactionism, constant bashing, and agenda driven ideologies that are only bent on pushing their view of the World. The answer is simple, in the 1990’s the conservatives went to war, and they plan on winning and crushing their opposition into utter submission. The answer is even simpler while we watch George W. Bush, his cold war War hawks, John Ashcroft, and the compliant republicans in congress abuse their power, let the economy slip even further into the ground, consolidate massive amounts of power to the executive branch, and weakened the constitutional protections of citizens of this country the were to protect them from the abuse of government themselves. Its pretty simple when you really think about it why the left (and I hope any on the right whom are not lulled and compliant, apathetic just to see ideology served without discipline or restraint, or simple reason and logic); is so angry. The simple answer is that the executive branch in this country and all those who fall into line without thinking, slumbering into apathy, is destroying the republic from the inside out. Taking the opportunity of 9/11 to consolidate vast power into the executive branch. The answer is simple, GW Bush and his administration is abusing the powers given to him by the constitution. Bill Clinton may have destroyed the moral integrity of the presidency, but George W. Bush will have destroyed our republic and our constitutional democracy.
The list of evidence and the reasons: I’m not going to start with the 2000 presidential election, but I will end with it because this is at the core of the anger and the bitterness and most importantly the most important battle that the right won against the left, but in doing it, they sidetracked the democratic process, thus ultimately ending the republic as we knew it. This is when the victors danced with the spoils of victory, on the heads of those the vanquished. This is when the Empire of the United States of America was born. Below is a list of reasons and evidence. I’m not going to go into depth, but I suggest researching those that are most important to you.
A note on 9/11: I’m not going to expound on 9/11 too much, even though it is really important, but everybody can agree that as a nation we have to protect ourselves, but reasonable people must also agree that security for securities sake is not an excuse for even making an attempt to weaken the constitution and the bill of rights, which has already happened in the USA Patriot Act. Ask yourself; did we have a patriot act during the cold war?
Environment: 1) Trying to Drill for oil in Wildlife Refuge 2) Weakening Pollution laws 3) Opening up Federal protected land for logging 4) Weakening Laws against corporate pollution
Economy and Government Spending: 1) Giving one of the largest tax cuts that mainly benefited the rich and those with great wealth. 2) Regardless if their was a surplus or not, the national debt has skyrocketed with no end in site. 3) Massive military spending over that of even the Cold War. 4) Complete ineptitude when it comes to fixing the economy and the inability to even try to fix it. 5) The connections to large multi-mega corporations with shady business dealings, these include Enron, Big Oil, and other corporations that have contributed large sums of money to the Bush’s over the decades.
Security: 1) Pushing and signing the USA patriot act, in which a main component gives the government the right to detained and hold an American citizen without charges indefinitely and try them in a military tribunal as a combatant. 2) Backing the Homeland Security Department, which if passed and implemented would consolidate the INS, Coastguard, and many other agencies all under the direct auspices of the executive branch into one large security apparatus. Also the President would have the right to hire and fire government employs has he see’s fit, perhaps putting those who would answer directly to him and, not have the oversight of the congress. 3) The Blatant scare tactics and use of terrorism as a tool to silence those who would question the administration. The use of the terror war as a political tool to consolidate power and silence objections to the Executive branch management of it.
Forgien Policy/War on Terror: 1) The new policy of preemption against sovereign nations. Attacking first rather than defending or covertly thwarting aggression against the United States. 2) The seeming obsession with Iraq. 3) The overwhelming manipulation of the UN. The hypocritical manipulation of it when the USA wants something.
Law: 1) The appointment of right-wing ideologues to courts, rather than moderate of constitutionally minded individuals.
Miscellaneous (these are pretty petty, laugh along, it’s a conservative talk-show dehumanizing and persuasion trick used quite often): 1) His murder of the English language (Well, it kind of funny). 2) The invention of the, ”Bushism”
The Future: 1) It’s just too scary to even really ponder.
After the election I remember John Ashcroft promising to look into what happened in Florida with the election of people being turned away from voting and other inept abuses by Florida. A few months later I remember this cheap blanket statement by him and they said they could find nothing wrong, but this is what you would except from a thief or at least an accomplice to a theft. There is so much information on what Kathleen Harris and the Texas attorney general did a few months before the election; when they purged eligible voters from the Floridian system by using names of felons and naming people as felons so they could not vote. Then of course the Supreme Courts ruling. It’s so obvious that no matter what happened in the election that GW Bush would have won, or should I say stolen the election.
There’s a pattern here and I wonder if anybody else can see it. Let me map it out the way I see it:
They election is stolen in a state where his brother is the governor and the attorney general purged eligible voters from the system and the Supreme court stopped the recount of legal votes over states rights. We are in a new war on terror, i.e. the drug war had an unseen enemy without nations backing the drug lords. The executive branch is filled with very powerful corporate people Oil, defense, massive amount of money is pumped into the Military Industry, while the national debt grows larger and the economy sinks. An obsession with Iraq, home of some of the largest oil reserves in the World. A strategic and tactical power base in the Middle East with regime change favoring the US. You can put it together anyway you please, but the fact is is that the presidency was stolen, the executive branch is in the process of one of the largest power grabs in this countries history, and it has effectively taken away constitutional protections of its citizens, while the Military is spreading its wings like the emblem of the ancient Roman Empires vast legions throughout the world.
The answer is simple our Republic is becoming an Empire. That is why the left is angry.