Ran across this in today's Salt Lake Tribune.
Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson -- a two-time divorcé, single father and member of a national group that promotes gay marriage -- is boycotting a state-supported declaration to advocate and celebrate traditional marriage.
He says it is "insensitive" because it excludes single parents, divorced parents and gay families.
Anderson was invited, along with his nonexistent spouse, to attend today's kickoff to Marriage Week USA, which starts Saturday. Gov. Olene Walker and other mayors will sign a declaration promoting marriage. Walker's spokeswoman Amanda Covington said there will be 60 signatures.
"I, like most other people, have always wanted to have a partner to share life with, to build a history with. To assume that only those who are presently in a married relationship value families is a hugely mistaken notion."
Anderson recently accepted a post as a "key spokesman" for a new national pro-gay-marriage group called Freedom to Marry.