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Laurence Silberman's wife "co-founder" of IWF, says David Brock

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buycitgo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-06-04 06:57 PM
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Laurence Silberman's wife "co-founder" of IWF, says David Brock
Edited on Fri Feb-06-04 07:03 PM by buycitgo
"When Ricky Silberman left the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, she founded, or was one of the co-founders, of the Independent Women's Forum -- it was actually her idea. And it was actually Ricky Silberman's idea to approach Ken Starr to file that friend-of-the-court brief in the Paula Jones case. And Ricky knew the Jones case was simply payback for the Anita Hill affair. She thought, wouldn't it be delicious that Clinton would now be accused of sexual improprieties in the same way that Clarence Thomas had been? Judge Silberman played an absolutely key role at a critical juncture."

Mrs. Silberman had/has VERY close ties to Thomas, going back as least as far as her EEOC days.

she's denied most of what Brock has said in his book about their "relationship," but what he wrote about them is SO damning, SO unflattering, that, had she been able to refute what he wrote, I don't think there's a doubt in the world that they'd have brought libel action against him by now.

This is a MOST disgusting power couple; one who's been able to stay well under the radar.

Well, cockroach couple, prepare for your day in the blogspotlight, I hope.

If there's ANY justice, these TRAITORS will be exposed, much in the same way that AWOL is being brought to light.
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buycitgo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-06-04 07:11 PM
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1. from the Nation
Hillary Clinton was the next quarry, and Adam Bellow had obligingly put a $1 million price on her head in the form of Brock's advance. But Hillary proved to be Brock's Waterloo--as she has been, incidentally, for several other men who were supposed to steamroller her (Starr, Whitewater committee chair D'Amato, candidate Giuliani, candidate Lazio...). By then, Brock was starting to develop a conscience. In 1994, Jill Abramson and Jane Mayer's book on the Thomas-Hill matter, Strange Justice, had hit the stands. It proved to everyone in the world but hard-shell rightists that Thomas was indeed a ravenous porn enthusiast and that Hill, in all likelihood, was the truthful one.

When even Ricky Silberman, who had been Brock's source and cheerleader while Brock was writing the Anita Hill book, seemed to acknowledge privately that Thomas had lied, Brock was shaken.
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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-06-04 07:21 PM
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2. I just grin wide when they use people with such interestingly partisan

Bring him on. Bring her on.

Thanks for the background lead in. This will be interesting.
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Mari333 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-06-04 07:26 PM
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3. Even TWEETY said this would backfire on bU$Sh
I couldnt believe it..he said it looks like a cover up...the GOP shill on his show was mumbling and didnt get a word in.
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buycitgo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-06-04 07:47 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. hahhahahah!
that was Howard Kurtz's WIFEY wife!! He may be (should be) in deep scat about over his connections with her sleazy chums.......lots of discussion of that a week or so ago, but, of course, it's disappeared already.

I started a thread on that conversation......missed the part you mention
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