Is the Dem party (as a whole) ready to do battle after the possibly squirrely numbers come in thsi November..
We already know that in EVERY single primary so far, the numbers have been HUGE. The press will keep spinning this as a "close race" right up until the election, even if they know it is NOT.. IT makes people feel the "need" to stay tuned in..
Since the "close race" is the spin, people might overlook the FACTS.. Is our leadership ready with lawyers to FIGHT the bogus results that will surely come tumbling in..
This election will be different from any recent one, because more places will be using machines without the paper necessary to have a real recount.. We need to be ready.. perhaps even pre-emptive..
My suggestion would be observers at EVERY polling stations to do their own exit polling..
There were exit polls taken at the primaries, but I would be willing to bet the farm that "something will go awry" like 2002.. We KNOW that some of those elections were very smelly, but there was very little , if any outcry..
This election is the "line in the sand" as far as I am concerned.. They got away with it in 2000, and again in 2002 ..Blatantly , at that..
If they do it again, we will lose a lot of the fired up voters that we have awakened..
Any of you with connections?? Please find out if there are any plans being made to counter this..
I just know that the repubes have their ducks in a row.. I am worried that we do not :(