...paid attention to the previous admin's recommendations instead of scrapping anything "Clintonesque." He could have been on the job instead of clearing brush in August, 2001. He could have actually read his PDB of August 6th. He could have gotten off his ugly ass in Florida instead of letting hijacked planes run wild all over the eastern skies. He could have ordered F-16s scrambled when it became apparent that NORAD was falling down on the job. He could have bloody well returned to Washington instead of running like a chickenshit...
And if anybody says he would have served no purpose in Washington, just think back to how you felt (not what you thought) on 9/11. Even I, with no love lost for that little worm, was actually rooting for him, waiting for him to take control of the country for once, and prove me WRONG about him.
All I wanted that morning was a real President I could believe in. Even if we had to wait an hour, two hours, for his speechwriters to throw together something that even he couldn't screw up, I just wanted a leader I could believe in, even only momentarily.
I was scared. You were scared. And that little prick bailed on all of us. All 275 million of us.
You remember the scene in "Jurassic Park" where the T. Rex attacks the car with the kids and the lawyer in it? You remember how the lawyer panics and runs, leaving the kids to the monster?
You remember what the little girl says, in utter disbelief? "He left us! He LEFT us!"
What could the lawyer have done to protect the kids? Not a goddamned thing. But he was supposed to be the adult. And he left them.
Bush* failed on all accounts. "Miserable failure" doesn't even begin to describe him.