A Progressive friend wrote me recently about an experience he had with some friends who challenged him on why you would vote for a Dem president as opposed to a Republican. He liked my response so I have decided to share it in the hopes it will help someone else, so here goes ...
Over the years I have refined my methods into this.. keep it simple, keep it very simple.
Usually what works the best is to just ask one or two simple questions. I have a few friends who always talk about how great the Republicans are and how terrible all Democrats are ...
Question ... Why is George Bush so good?
Get ready for the answer, 9 times out of 10 you will be shocked. And its never based on facts and usually has nothing to do with real issues.. you can make your case then. But as you ask this question with more people its best to just play along at this point and use a follow-up to ask the REAL question as to why someone votes for a president ...
Question .. If Bush is so great, name three things he did that were good for you personally.
Get ready for the answer, there is no telling what they will spew out, and 9 times out of 10 if not careful you will go into an uncontrolled burst of laughter.
Some of the best answers have included ..
Bush cut my taxes.
Suppress the laughter and ask them how that $300 check worked out? Remind them that they had to pay it back the next April.. it was nothing but another Bush lie and scam so his billionaire oil buddies could get richer. Plus, all your services have gone to crap, your local taxes are going up, and there is a huge debt Bush gave your children to spend their entire life paying the interest on.
Bush is strong on defense and national security.
Really? How many US troops died today? Did you know more US troops have been killed in the last 9 months under 'Bush security' than the first four YEARS of the Vietnam war? And where are the WMD's? Have you faced the fact yet that Bush lied you into this war thats bankrupting our treasury and killing our troops??
911 changed everything.
Yet another Bush lie! Thanks to top cabinet member Paul O'Neil we now know for a fact that from day ONE the Bush people were planning on attacking Iraq. In just the second national security council meeting of the Bush administration, nine months before 911, the Bush NSC were reviewing maps of Iraq oil fields and lists of corporations to divide the oil to. 911 didn’t change anything, it just gave Bush the excuse to do what they were planning from day one. Besides, if 911 is so important to you, where is Osama Bin Laden? Where is the anthrax killer who attacked the US capital?
Those were the best answers I have received to date, and as you can see they dont hold up for a second. The rest of the time the answers are.. well .. entertaining.
But in every case, the person did not have much to say after the simple question was asked and answered. In most cases they had no answer at all.
The important thing is to be polite, its hard admitting you made a terrible mistake even to yourself, much less a political opponent. The truth is Bush has done NOTHING for average Americans, but instead of telling them that, by asking the questions it forces them to make your point for you.. imho its much more effective that way.
They still usually will not admit it to you but they do become very silent (which is remarkable for some of these folks) and in the end you'll know that when they get home they will really be re-thinking this stuff.
And that is how we win.. by making them ask questions and think.
Try asking some simple questions, trust me, you'll like it,
Best! Kelley