the increasingly desperate BFEE pulls out the "First Lady" card, just like after the "Bush Knew" controversy was pre-emptively leaked by Rove to the NY press..
George? Is that anyway a "strong leader" acts? Hiding behind his wife's petticoats?A First Lady Fiercely Loyal and Quietly Effective
As forcefully as Mrs. Bush defended the president and his policies, she also disclosed there might be distance between husband and wife on some issues. Most notably, she declined to say whether she supported a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, as conservative groups say they expect the president to do.
"I think I'll let him say if he would do that," Mrs. Bush responded. When pressed for her view, Mrs. Bush said, "I might have my own opinion, but I'm not going to tell you."
Mrs. Bush also contradicted her husband on his statement that he does not read newspapers and leaves it to his staff to provide him with what he calls unbiased news.
"He does read the papers, of course," Mrs. Bush said, adding that she and her husband make their way through five national newspapers over coffee in bed and then at the breakfast table each day. "I mean we've read the newspapers for years. It's our morning ritual, since the day we married."
What the president meant, she said, was that he does not read the opinion columnists with whom he disagrees or every part of every newspaper.
"But he reads a lot of them," she said. "And I read the parts he doesn't read — except the columnists."
Mrs. Bush was mostly pleasant throughout the interview in her little-used East Wing office. She said she worked mostly from a desk in the private quarters of the White House.
But she was testy about what her aides describe as her view of an Eastern establishment press that is antagonistic to her husband. When she was told that the campaign was looking tough already, she instantly disagreed.
"Well, I don't know if I would say that," Mrs. Bush said. "I think it's looking tough to people who are interviewing each other. That's the press."
more, if you can stomach it...