...it's also an outreach tool! (And a floor wax and a dessert topping.)
Free posters, postcards, door hangers, and more at:
http://www.passionmaterials.com/default.aspIt's "perhaps the best outreach tool in 2000 years"!
http://www.thepassionoutreach.com/http://www.thepassionoutreach.com/ideas.asp#1Idea 8 - Passion Saturation Mailing
Focus on those parts of your community God is calling you to reach. Mail a The Passion of The Christ ImpactCard to the selected carrier routes in driving range of your church. Tie the movie into a Passion -related event or sermon series at your church. To reserve an official Passion direct mail ImpactCard for your community contact an Outreach Specialist at 800-991-6011, or visit:
http://www.Outreach.comIdea 9 - Passion Door Hangers
Distribute Passion-related DoorHangers to the homes surrounding your church. Invite them both to see the movie and to visit a Passion -related event with your church.
Idea 11 - Passion Prayer Walk
Carefully choose a neighborhood you believe God wants you to reach. With multiple prayer teams, walk every street and pray for every house, asking that God would reach each person with the message of the cross through exposure to The Passion of The Christ . Leave a DoorHanger and/or evangelistic booklet at each home encouraging them to see the movie and inviting them to attend a Passion -related event at your church