"From firing to hiring in the Bay Area: Firms rapidly recover their appetite for employees"
"The Bay Area jobs picture is brightening with regional forecasts calling for a pickup in hiring and several CEOs saying they've already begun."
"The Bay Area economy will add 17,000 jobs this year, a modest gain that stands in sharp contrast to the 62,000 jobs lost last year, according to Paul Fassinger, economist and director of research for the Association of Bay Area Governments. He sees the region adding 33,000 new jobs in 2005, which will just start to offset the 268,000 lost between the end of 2000 and the end of last year."
So if NO ONE loses their job between now and the END OF 2005, we'll only be 173,000 jobs in the hole since the end of 2000! Yes indeed, I'd certainly say that the picture is brightening!!!!!