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The Invasion of Iraq Is

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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-09-04 07:59 PM
Original message
The Invasion of Iraq Is
the Original Sin whose stain can never be removed from this administration. It is the tell-tale heart beating beneath the floorboards of the Bush White House.

There are any number of reasons why GWB MUST be removed this November, and there has certainly been a massive fear, loathing, and mistrust of this administration that has been growing, but largely pent up until recently. It has been held in check by a compliant media and a calculated campaign of propaganda and fear of reprisals for speaking out against this president. But the dam is bursting.

Bush may have endured different challenges to his "popularity" in this time due to the attention on the Democratic race, but not this. The spectre of the Iraq Invasion has driven this ruinous week. It is the revelations of David Kay that have precipitated this. And the reason is that despite the desperate desire of many to believe this president, to be loyal to this man and the Republican Party, no true American patriot can be comfortable with the fact that our nation has now visited a bloody war on another, unprovoked, on a foundation of lies.

In the welcome explosion of belated revelations about this president, the attacks on his character and various misguided policies, let our great candidates and all you dedicated Democrats never lose sight of this, the most important of issues. It is the issue upon which the Republican Party fraudulently bludgeoned our Party into submission in the 2002 midterm elections. And, God willing, it is THE issue upon which the election hopes of the Bush II administration will be impaled in November.

I will make a comment that I do believe that those who have voted for the IWR are in fact sullied by this. I believed that most of them recognized the fraudulence of the president's case, and were not courageous enough to stand out. However despite all the handwringing here on DU over this, I would vote for any of these candidates in a hearbeat in November. Their compromise in no way makes them equivalent to this monstrous administration, who drove this whole agenda.

The Bush/Rove/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Rice machinery MUST be removed from the White House, and smashed to pieces. All you Democrats be of good cheer, you are in a good and growing company. Do not let your fears about the treachery of Rove and the threat of Black Box Voting discourage you from doing your duty for your country in November.
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library_max Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-09-04 08:06 PM
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1. Most Americans still support the invasion
though many believe that lies were told to get us into it and that it has been handled badly since. We are facing a tremendous uphill battle if we put all our chips on the invasion of Iraq.

Also, since most people supported the war at the time and are only now becoming disillusioned with it as the truth about WMD is coming out, it seems likely that a candidate who voted for IWR would have an advantage. After all, which resonates better? "People like me were smarter than people like you," or "Bush lied to all of us"?
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