...but it didn't get printed goddamit. Used the email addy I don't check that often, and didn't get the notice until it was too late. Shit.
Oh well. I've had a pretty good record--9 in the NYTimes and this WOULD have been the 2nd in the WPost. Sigh. So I'll take what consolation I can in offering it here.
We are in receipt of your letter to the editor and are considering it for publication. We need to verify that you wrote the letter, and are using your real name. Did you send this letter or a similar letter to any other media? We need to know, if it is not already mentioned, what your involvement if any is with the subject matter.
Thank you for the submission,
To the editors:
David Kay would have us believe that the administration would never
have dreamed of invading Iraq on its own, and that no credible
intelligence was indicating that Iraq might not be stuffed with weapons of
mass destruction.
But former chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter made exactly that point
in as many venues as would give him a hearing during the run-up to the war,
and other figures of equal authority had debunked administration claims
about aluminum tubes and Niger yellow-cake also before the war.
I am not an intelligence expert, but I was aware of these things just
from paying attention and seeking out credible sources in the international
This is just another instance of blame-shifting by the administration
that came into office as a champion of personal responsibility. Is there
any chance it will ever be compelled to honor that pledge?