I heard that on Harry shearer's show last night, which was EXCELLENT.
he nailed the crap out of WH lies on a number of fronts, doing so in at least as funny a manner as Al Franken or Michael Moore, and quite a bit more subtly, IMO.
http://www.harryshearer.com/leshow/index.htmlstart about 19 minutes in for other amazing stuff (andrew wilkie, brian jones ring a bell?), then skip to 45 for the Tenet info
then I checked, and found this.
is it me, or has this not exactly been trumpeted from the rooftops?
When George Tenet, the director of the CIA, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week about dubious intelligence data on the Iraqi threat that made it into President Bush’s State of the Union address in January, he said an ad-hoc committee called the Office of Special Plans, headed by Wolfowitz, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and other high-profile hawks rewrote the intelligence information on Iraq that the CIA gathered and gave it to White House officials to help Bush build a case for war, according to three Senators on the intelligence committee.
Tenet told the Intelligence Committee that his own spies at the CIA determined that much of the intelligence information they collected on Iraq could not prove that the country was an imminent threat nor could they find any concrete evidence that Iraq was stockpiling a cache of chemical and biological weapons. But the Office of Special Plans, using Iraqi defectors from the Iraqi National Congress as their main source, rewrote some of the CIA’s intelligence to say, undeniably, that Iraq was hiding some of the world’s most lethal weapons. Once the intelligence was rewritten, it was delivered to the office of National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice, where it found its way into various public speeches given by Vice President Dick Cheney, Deputy Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Bush, the Senators said.
Moreover, these Senators allege that the office of the Vice President and the National Security Council were fully aware that the intelligence Wolfowitz’s committee collected may not have been reliable. The Senators said they are discussing privately whether to ask Wolfowitz to testify before a Senate hearing in the near future to determine how large of a role his Special Plans committee played in providing the President with intelligence data on Iraq and whether that information was reliable or beefed up to help build a case for war.
A week ago, Tenet claimed responsibilty for allowing the White House to use the now disputed claim that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium from Niger to build an atomic bomb in Bush's State of the Union address. Last week, these Senators and a CIA intelligence official said the Office of Special Plans urged the White House to use the uranium claim in Bush's speech.
But Democrats in the Senate are now asking what role the secret committee set up by Wolfowitz played in hyping the intelligence on Iraq's weapons programs.http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0307/S00157.htmwhy aren't they playing THIS up today, in light of the amazingly bald LIES emanating from every branch of government?
did the demsens forGET about this?
and note the author, relegated to the hinterlands for his story on former Army Sec White
is it me, or shouldn't this story be pretty important?
try googling......I could find nothing else about this
any ideas?