Witnessing moves from
revival tent to fast lane
In Daytona 500, Bobby Labonte will try
to steer non-believers with ad for
‘The Passion of the Christ’ on hood
The crew and race car of NASCAR driver Bobby Labonte wait for inspection before the start of Daytona 500 qualifying on Sunday. On the hood of Labonte's car is the promotion of the controversial movie, "The Passion of the Christ." “It’s a chance to get the word out,” Labonte said.
The hood of Labonte’s car is both a shameless movie plug — “The Passion of the Christ,” coming soon to a theater near you — and some new-style proselytizing for the Gospel.
Yes, witnessing has moved from the revival tent to the fast lane.
“It’s a chance to get the word out,” Labonte said about the ad on his car. “Someone who is curious about Jesus and has never been saved sees the race and says, ’Hmmm, I’d like to see what that’s about.’ ... Maybe we can change their minds.”
More here, oh ye of little faith: