Defense Dept. Seeks Bush's Guard File
By Lois Romano Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, February 10, 2004; Page A07
The Defense Department has requested that President Bush's payroll records from his service in the National Guard be sent to Washington from a DOD archive in Colorado, to ascertain whether they can be released to news organizations and public interest groups that have formally requested them in recent days, according to DOD officials. <snip> Officials said yesterday that the DOD in Washington would review the master copy of Bush's payroll records, which have been storied on microfiche for 30 years at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service in Denver. <snip>
If his (or his daddy's) buddies would cover for him back then, what makes us think they haven't covered their tracks? I mean if they didn't drop him or bring AWOL charges back then, what makes us think they didn't continue to pay him?
And why suddenly does the DOD want his payroll records? Can it be because it would support the Commander in Chief's claim that he was there?
I smell a big, fat rat