In thinking whether there is a strategic reason behind intentional offense you have to think about if there are reasons in taking a confrontational attitude. In addition, there are reasons in holding back also from taking a confrontational attitude. However, in a diplomatic world of shared mutual "self" interests, it is generally agreed that diplomacy should be the preferred route.
Examples... the bloc that rose against the war in Iraq (Russia, France, Germany) Even though they were pretty much the same in position against US intervention, the approaches that the US took with each of these countries were different. Usefully also, in our own self interests (speaking specifically on this one dimension). In a complicated world where actions have ramifications both good AND bad at the same time, a cost/benefit analysis of political, economic, military, and social dimensions are useful in understanding why the US choose to chastise France, issue objections with Germany, and apparently restrain criticism toward Russia. Though we may agree and disagree on some of the conclusions that led to that, it is undeniable the intent in action that the US took at that time(self interest). It is also useful to apply the use of insults by other nations toward the US (N. Korea) in seeing their effectiveness. Obviously so, it is useful to N. Korea to insult the US, not only does it increase nationalism internally minimizing domestic pressures, but it also allows them to "bluff" a bigger hand than they got.
In regards to the concept that "every nation has its own self interest at heart," it is undeniable that that is true. But it also simplifies the reality of the situation when sometimes there are conflicting self interests or contradictory interests at play. The foundation of modern diplomacy and world peace rests on a concept of shared self interest- only executed strongly in the past 50 years of economic interdependence. It is ironic that the multinational corporations are what prevented large scale war between traditional enemies within this period.. even so transforming enemies into friends. However, as a liberal that supports free trade, i do add a disclaimer that free trade has not been executed in a completely balanced way.