I started a thread at
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=132&topic_id=302217#302453 to discuss a rather provocative article that appears in today's Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
The thread was locked, with this explanation:
"7. You may not post any material from extreme right-wing sources, specifically WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax.com, FreeRepublic.com, and their ilk. Material from more "mainstream" conservative writers or sources, such as The Washington Times and Fox News, are permitted as long as the post includes a clear warning about the source. (For example: "WARNING: Please note that this article is written by George Will.")"
So I was supposed to warn people that this column was from the Seattle P-I???? In fact, the Seattle P-I IS an extremely vile and corrupt tabloid - pretty much like the Seattle Times, Seattle Weekly and many other "mainstream" newspapers across America.
No one has slung more mud at the Seattle P-I and other Seattle tabloids than I have. Ironically, many other DUers have defended the Seattle P-I.
So if DU's mods are telling us that they put the Seattle P-I in the same category as Fox News, then THANK YOU FOR LOCKING THAT THREAD!
For emphasis, I think it would be COOL if we were REQUIRED to include a warning every time we post something from the Seattle Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, or Seattle's leading left-wing media whore, Geov Parrish. That would certainly make MY day! :)
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/159928_brooks10.htmlTuesday, February 10, 2004
Special interests in eyes of beholders