And a link to DU's own "Maha" archives:
In the meantime, Mr. Bush had used the Harken money to pay the Texas Rangers loan, and he commenced to use his baseball-owner status as a springboard for his political and financial ambitions.
Running through this narrative are a number of nearly incestuous relationships. For example, when the SEC was investigating Mr. Bush, the agency's general counsel was Bush's personal attorney who had helped him arrange the Texas Rangers deal. And the head of the SEC was a long-time, loyal supporter of Mr. Bush's father, who was President of the United States at the time.
Thanks to a recent column by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, we know how G.W. Bush made a 2400 percent profit on his Texas Rangers investment.
Mr. Bush and the other Rangers owners persuaded the city of Arlington, Texas, to raise taxes to build a $200 million stadium to be handed over to the Rangers. Even more incredible, Bush and his fellow owners got state and local government to confiscate land for their own enterprises. According to Eric Alterman (The Scandal No One Cares About, MSNBC) the state of Texas gave Arlington Sports Facilities Development Authority the power to expropriate private land on which to build the stadium. Several landowners --mostly homeowners and farmers -- refused to sell for what the Authority was offering. "The Authority condemned their land and expropriated it by force of law," wrote Alterman. "It did this with 270 acres of land, even though only about 17 acres were needed for the ballpark. The rest was used for commercial development that made Bush and his friends rich."