Not quite there yet, but there's a lot of Bush '92 in the air these days.
Yep...these numbers are a 3 day average...Thu, Fri, Sat...gathered on Sunday, released yesterday. Let's see when the averages roll to Mon, Tue & Wed...and then let's see whose doing the cheering.
The Neilsens on the MTP appearance were impressive...lots of people tuned in, now we'll see if our perceptions (along with Peggy Noonan's) that this was a dud leads to a "downtick" on Friday.
We know the manchild and his horde have been taking a beating in the Chattering class the past few days...let's see if that's resonating (damn I love when I talk Dick Morisese) with the Repugnican base. No need to sell any of us Democrats on how this regime is a total disaster.
Tweety Matthews summed it up this morning when he said he'd never seen the Democratic base as charged up in it's desire to remove bunnypants...and all elements of the party are coming together and will be showing up at the polls in November. The game now is moving into the GOOP camp as to how to react. I'm starting to think Mr. Rove is not very good at playing ahead...just like James Baker in '92.
Remember, CNN chimps like Miles Mindbender and the double-breasted newsreaders they put on during the day are supposed to "lighten" things up...ya know, nothin' personal when they cheer for bunnypants (That's showing they're "Americans") and catering to their largest audience...angry, middle-aged white people.