It was pretty enjoyable watching McClellan getting flogged by WH press corps on AWOL issue. Then he tries to change subject and guy goes into outing of Plame, CIA officer. "How's that investigation going?" THey covered all the bases including what Prez thinks about Scalia's duck hunting trip with Cheney after it was clear USSC was going to hear the case re: energy task force names being released by VP office.
Just neet to keep hitting on all cylinders. Don't let them smoke us with any of these issues. Prez is not a patriot. There are no WMD's. THey will commit treason to get their way and intimidate. They are crony capitalists of the lowest order.
We need to keep the conversation alive at home in our places of work, schools, neighborhoods...keep the focus on these topics. And then spice the rhetoric with how the Dems will straighten this horrible mess out.
We need regime change here at home. Oh. And FUCK YOU, BUSH!