I think we need to take the focus off technical proofs of AWOL. It's perfectly possible that they will come up with some real or fake documents to refute the specific AWOL accusation.
The real issue with Bush's military service is deeper. It's obvious from the undisputed facts in the record that George W. Bush did the absolute minimum (perhaps less than the minimum) required in his privileged circumstances to get in and out of the military without breaking a sweat. Nobody has ever argued that, let alone refuted it.
Even now, the best Bush can say about his time in the Champagne Unit is -- I got an honorable discharge, so I MUST have been there.
This is a very strange thing to say (as if he really has no memory, but he'll believe what they tell him. Coming from the President of the United States, it is despicable.
Now, thirty years later, the same man uses the entire awesome power of the U.S. Military to do what he wants. Not what is needed or required, but what he wants.
He makes a decision and hundreds of thousands of lives are altered, billions of dollars are spent, and thousands of human beings die. And when asked by an interviewer some weeks ago about what he thinks of the fact that they have found no weapons of mass destruction, he said "What's the difference?
I honestly think that George Bush has never understood that the world is real. Much worse than that is that our country has given him this power.
I also think that most people can understand this at some level, even if they're not paying attention to the details. I think it will bring him down.