Thanks for the compliment and no insult was taken by your use of Democrat because I knew none was intended.
It is funny, though, how I have noticed that, on rare occasions, the Democratic Party has done this to themselves. I remember seeing signs when I was a kid "Vote Democrat on Nov. 5th".
Back in those days, such grammatical misuse was rare and, as I said, sometimes came from the Democratic side (for what reason I cannot fathom).
However, when the Busheviks first began to shatter post-WWII civility codes (I am speaking here about relative poltical civility...what Liberal baby Boomer types did to social civlity or "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" as I like to call it, is a topic for another day and probably only pursued on DU boards with a thick set of asbestos undies for all the flames we'll attract) and mores, during the time of Reagan, culminating with Gingrich's "contrasting words" and of course the Clinton fiasco in which more laws were broken setting the "perjury trap" than the perjury itself, one of the main new Gingrich "contrasting words" initiatives was the turning of the term "Democrat Party" into a universally used pejorative term.
If you look closely now...I'll bet you can't find a single, corroborated citation after 1998 of DeLay, Gingrich, Gillespie, or the rest of the Imperial Stooges EVER calling it the "Democratic Party" in their quotes. I am further confident that you can do a lot of looking and won't find a single instance (unless perhaps it's on the Senate Floor and probably not even THEN).
Anyway, like all good Totalitarian Propaganda, it is designed to fly underneath your conscious and embed itself without your actual knowledge. One of the central tenets of marketing/advertising/PR is that these institutions all work orders of magnitude more effectively if the subject ("victim" says I) is unaware that he/she is being manipulated.
So, that's the story. The funny thing is that you will occasionally see Democrats who've been suckered by the meme using the slur term constantly. It is also confusing on the occasions where the Democrats use this term, not as a slur of course, but merely sloppy grammer.
But the meme is real, the slur is real and any hardcore Bushevik will be all too happy (especially if they think you're one of them) to explain WHY they refuse to call it anything other than the "Democrat Party".
You say you still have friends who are buried in the Party-Loyal Bushevik Sub-Media Matrix drinking in all the lies, half-truths and propaganda (by the way it's important to note that I do NOT consider the Democrats to be ethically and morally pure and honest, just that there is no comparison to Bushewvik corruption currently). Go ahead and ask them about the "Democrat Party" thing. Then PM me with the answer because I am curious to hear it in their own words.