from some lame ABC email
At the same time, we want to look at the issue of military service. The issue of President Bush's time in the National Guard came up in the last campaign, but apparently didn't hurt him. It has resurfaced in the last couple of days. In a sign that the White House is taking this issue very seriously, it is rushing out documents today it says will support the President's contention that he fulfilled his service requirement. Will these documents put an end to the controversy? There may still be questions unresolved or questions that cannot be resolved. And it may not matter. People who have made up their minds about the President, either to support or oppose, will most likely believe what they want.
Does it matter if a candidate, or a President, served? In these difficult times, it's easy to make the argument that it would certainly help if that person, who would be responsible for ordering America's military into action, knows what he is asking them to do. Al Gore served in Vietnam, and that didn't seem to help him. John McCain, an authentic war hero, lost to George W. Bush who served in the National Guard during Vietnam. Now the role of the Guard has changed in recent years. Thousands of Guardsmen and women are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan today. But back during Vietnam, the Guard was seen by many as a way to avoid being sent to Southeast Asia. The bottom line: how much will this matter, if at all, to the voters? Correspondent Jim Wooten will report on this issue.
uhhhhhhh.....didn't help AL GORE???!!!!
didn't he, uh, WIN the election???? how fricking asinine can ABC BE??
and could they narrow the focus any FURTHER? the issue is NOT his service, you asses!!!!
it's his credibility, as it ALWAYS should have been, but you media loser sycophants reFUSE to make it an issue. As the media refuses to cover this glaring character deficit, B* refuses to take responsibility for ANYthing he does/has done. Well, this time, Mr. Monkey, somebody's going to take that buck and shove it right up your (name you own bodily orifice here).
when are you going to come out and call him lazy, shiftless, useless, LYING, conniving POS that he most assuredly IS?
just dreaming, I know, but it was a pleasant reverie.