(1) It has now been revealed that the mighty DOD can actually find paper when it wants to. The media or talented FOIA-ers should now ask for the unit records for the Alabama ANG unit, the Lebenty-leventh Recon Squadron or whatever it is, for the pertinent time period. These will contain the NG equivalents of Morning Reports and Monthly Rosters and Reports of Changes (Army terms). Like, the NG Morning Report might be called 'Unit Military Strength Balance Report' or whatnot. It should be obvious that the military services need to know where the men and women are serving, how many are 'in transit', etc. because the people who do Manning Support, Readiness Reports, etc. have to know this to do their job. I've googled around and found that many vets FOIA these unit reports to look up buds, wax nostalgic over old units, settle bets over when a unit was disbanded or what unit it turned into, etc. Our military has astounding bureaucratic chops, and when I googled stuff I found folks looking over Morning Reports from the 1860's! So Show me Shrub on an AANG Monthly Roster!
(2) There is a story waiting to be told about how these records came to light, how they got to the WH etc. Did Shrub sign privacy waivers last weekend? Did records personnel take it on themselves to 'violate' his privacy? Did the WH request only the records that the 'political activist' suggested? Scotty was very unclear on this today, if I read things right. I believe there are things about this they would rather not go into. Which, naturally, makes me want to go into it.