Bush seemed to know the archives were "in Colorado", said so on MTP on Sunday.
But today McClellan said the WH only found out about Colorado after the weekend.
Minor point, I guess...
Q And did those efforts begin after or before the interview with --
MR. McCLELLAN: No, it was after. The questions came up in the interview on "Meet the Press," and the President made it very clear, some of what I'm saying here. And he said, yes, I want all records out there. And it was our belief, it was our impression that all the records that existed that were relevant were already released. Back in the 2000 campaign, we went to the Texas Air National Guard to ask for records so that they could be released, and it was our understanding that the payroll records -- it was our impression at the time that the payroll records didn't exist.
Then after this weekend, after the interview, we contacted the National Guard here and asked them where would one go, if these records existed, to find them. We were just going back and double-checking. And we were put in touch with the Personnel Center in Denver, Colorado. So we contacted the Personnel Center in Denver, Colorado. It was our understanding at that time that the Denver and St. Louis offices were already working to pull this information together at the time that we contacted them --