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Here's some more good news and my encounter with a repub hag...

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Epoch Donating Member (201 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 12:53 AM
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Here's some more good news and my encounter with a repub hag...
Edited on Wed Feb-11-04 12:53 AM by Epoch
Hey all,
Down at my school we've been actively registering voters in a non-partisan fashion. It just so happens that my college is very liberal and we split 50%dem-30% unaffilated (liberal but don't want a label, but hate Bush)-20% republican. We've registered to date 203 new voters with about 110 new democrats, 50 unaffilated, and the rest (about 40) republican. Personally, I registered 140 in 10 days and I'll be in the dorms again tommorow night. PLus, about one hundred have filled out applications for absentee ballots for the primary.

One interesting note: A women from the MD repub party came down here to help register voters with the college repubs. Apart from being snotty, disrespectful, arrogant, and nasty and telling us that we "are all so liberal!", she was encourging voters to switch to republican by saying "most college kids are republicans anyway." She also actively helped register 3 republicans, but when 10-12 democrats tried to register she pointed them to the papers and said nothing. She told the other people at the table not to help democrats register (to their credit, they seemed kind of shocked). So she registered 3 new repubs and during the same time, I registered 13 new democrats and 2 republicans. Also, I called the Maryland BOE to complain about her (I had to do some sleuthing because she refused to give me her name). She's a member of the Maryland repub party. I complained to an elections official and she gravely told me that they had received numerous complaints about the same in she has a long long long record. They will file a complaint with the administrator and inform the MD repub party of the complaint.

I'm not worried...Wanna know why? If that's the grassroots they're gonna throw at us veterans of Draft Clark, Dean for America, Kerry, Edwards, and Kucinich folk, then we've got nothing to worry about from their "3 million Bush Team Leaders" (I'm 4 of them by the way).

So let's go register voters! Up and at 'em, We've got work to do!!

Edit: typo
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AVID Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 01:05 AM
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1. You Rock, epoch
When b* is bringin his ass on back to TX in Jan, you can feel proud that you made it happen

Powerlessnes is an illusion
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Prodemsouth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 01:05 AM
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2. Just a note of praise for your work. thanks for what you are doing
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rockymountaindem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 01:14 AM
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3. Whatever happened to friendly competition?
But as long as they force a fight upon us, I will support our side to the end. Well done Epoch!
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