But I’m speaking about the purely physical here.
Besides the obvious…an excellent producer, his astute and absolute knowledge of facts, his compassion, wit, humor, and a true professional in all sense of the word.
Malloy has that great warmth, soothing sound, cadance, charm (and logic) in his voice. And when he’s his most passionate, it’s exciting, invigorating and challenging.
Women like Randi Rhodes and Meria Heller, whom I adore, are another subject as far as radio (voice) listening fatigue.
Al Franken, (not in the same ballpark) the technically sound Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medvel (voice sounds like the weasel he is) Savage (what a joke of tone) and all the rest can’t compare, perhaps only...ugh, Sean Hannity, has a radio voice, but even he is grating when excited, Mike NEVER is. (Peter Werbe is right up there with Malloy as well, Hmmm!!)
Being objective as possible. Is it simply the message I don’t think so.
Why is it, this great liberal voice is having to count down the days before he leaves us and why is he not being picked up on syndication??? Somewhere!!!
“Have I mentioned......how much I hate those rat bastards?”