would never have been brought out.
I think the longer Dennis stays in the race, the more the American people will understand the behaviour of the present Administration and the sycophants, including many Senators and Representatives who just did not do their own homework as Dennis did.
Quoting Mike Malloy "the Russians said that they did not exist, the French said they did not exist, the...., the ... , etc.". So how did those who voted for the war do so. Were they incompetent?
Democrats will have to decide whether they want a liberal or not as their President, whether they want a President who supported the invasion or not, whether they want a President who wants the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq out of the invasion zone or not, whether they want a President who will make peace with the world and not divide it further, plus other local issues (medicare, education, jobs, etc.) which we in the international sphere are not really bothered about.
That should, in my opinion, be final test as to who stands against Bush and not what the media says.
My opinion is that, from an intrernational standpoint, there can only be one candidate for the President - Dennis Kucinich and if Dean walks of the stage, there could be a huge shift to Kucinich.
Hence the reversal of Dean's decision is of paramount interest to us.
In short, Dean is not qualified to be President of "the World" to some of us on the international stage for several reasons, but that is not a reflection of his superb skills in the domestic sphere. Dennis is!!
Jacob Matthan
http://www.findians.com/educated.htmlOulu, Finland