In the ongoing war between Microsoft supporters and critics, the latter have dug in behind an argumentative question that reminds me of the ubiquitous right-wing line: If you hate America, why don't you move to China?
The Microsofties' variation: If you REALLY HATE Microsoft, then why do you still use It? (See an example at )
To a typical American, that might sound like an airtight argument. How can you criticize something that you use?
Well, one answer that comes to mind is a study in irony: M-O-N-O-P-O-L-Y
Isn't it odd that so many Americans have used products or services produced by monopolies, going back to the nineteenth century? You'd think Americans would just boycott clothing, automobiles and food! The least they could do is turn out the lights to protest energy deregulation.
That's right, if you use electricity or gasoline, don't you dare criticize energy deregulation, Enron, the California energy crisis or even Gulf War II. Just SHUT UP.
Nor can we Americans criticize global warming when we're the biggest contributor. Gee, I wonder if Americans will continue to drink water if the World Trade Organization gains legal ownership of the world's freshwater reserves!
Of course, I'm being facetious. But you probably get my point. (After all, most DUer's are presumably smarter than the average American - aren't you?)
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Criticizing Microsoft isn't just about their products. What about the enormous impacts Microsoft has on government and public education? Parents should be disgusted that a creep like Bill Gates should be promoted as a role model. Do we really want another generation of children growing up believing that greed is good and it's OK to break the law after you've made more than a billion dollars?
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So what Microsoft products do I use? Well, I'm still on a Windows platform. I hope to be working on a different platform soon if time and money allow. Of course, all of my software is Windows-based.
But I did move all my websites from a Windows server to Linux servers. I graduated from Microsoft's FrontPage to the famous Dreamweaver.
I don't apologize for continuing to use Microsoft products even while I'm bashing Microsoft. After all, Bill Gates uses my tax dollars and exploits my students, even though he apparently despises children and democracy. In fact, Bill Gates is the real hypocrite here. Cares about education, my ass!
Now, if you use nothing BUT Microsoft products, should you refraing from blasting Gates? Of course not!
Hey, it's a free country. You can use anything you want. If Microsoft has driven the competition out of business, get revenge by purchasing the Windows version and using it to attack Microsoft. If an employer insists that you submit your job application via Microsoft Word, you'd be a fool to submit it via Get my drift.
I knew you would. So continue to do the best you can with whatever software you use, but keep the competition in the back of your mind. Gradually, you may be able to escape Microsoft's clutches. I'm halfway there! :)